Thursday, 20 July 2023

Three Random Facts For Thursday ... and a low carb pizza !

Did you know trees can communicate?

Trees talk. Their roots are connected through an underground network of fungi, nicknamed the “Wood Wide Web,” that allows them to share resources with each other. They “talk” by transmitting nutrients to one another through the fungi. For instance, a mother tree, or oldest and strongest tree in the forest, will share some of her sugars with smaller, nearby trees.

Did you know you can tell if an egg is old based on whether it floats in water?

It sounds strange/phony, but it’s time-tested. If an egg floats when you set it in water, then it’s old; if it sinks, it’s a fresher egg and you’re good to go.

Quick and Easy Low Carb Pizza For One
more details here

Did you know the world’s longest pizza is a mile long?

At 1.15 miles exactly, this whopping pizza was made in, you guessed it, Italy. But how? By the sweat of 250 chefs and about 4,409 pounds of flour.

These facts from here

~ enjoy your day ~

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I was in the nursery business for 50 years. Is sharing talking? I doubt that!

  2. Hi Jan. That was one big pizza! Lorrie

  3. Gracias por la receta y los datos.

  4. I did know the first two facts but hadn't heard about the mile long pizza. The low carb pizza does sound good. Thank you.

  5. All right, good information, but trees chatting with each other is creepy. No wonder ancient people believed trees have souls. The air waved weren't polluted with radio and phone signals, quiet air days for them to sort of hear or sense the trees communicating.

  6. I love learning this about the trees! Nature is so mysterious, and we still have so much to learn. Now I will be checking all my eggs for 'floaters'. The flowers are so pretty and the pizza looks yummy. Hope you are staying cool this week. x K

  7. Interesting.
    Did know about the egg.

  8. fun facts to start Thursday. One of the best ways to check that egg, even if it doesn't float, is with your nose, And did you know the more upright it is, the less fresh it is? If it lies on its side, it's perfectly fresh.

  9. Ha ha. The Wood Wide Web. Can you find out some pizza eating records? I think my grandkids may be up there.

  10. Trees are pretty much communicative too

  11. I knew about the egg and was fascinated to learn about the pizza. Great trivia, Jan.

  12. Fun facts! I like there are talking trees, I can hear their leaves rustling in the wind.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  13. Sí, sabia los dos primeros, lo de la pizza no. Besos.

  14. Recently, I put some eggs in water and wanted to boil them. I noticed one was floating. I removed it, thinking it was spoiled. A few days later I fried the same egg. There was nothing wrong with it.

  15. I knew the first two, but no the third fact!

  16. A good recipe for low carb pizza is always a good thing. I don't think I knew about the eggs!

  17. I heard the one on egg in water.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  18. I did know about the egg thing and have used that many times :)
    That is cool about the trees and WOW that is a huge pizza, can't imagine how it was cooked!

  19. I read that before about trees and love the fact that they do. My favorite book from the past (one of the Secret Life of Plants. From that day forward it changed my whole idea about plants and nature.


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