Sunday, 23 July 2023

We Cancelled The Picnic !

Isn't it typical, as soon as the schools break-up for the six week summer holidays the rain and heavy winds start. A picnic was definitely out of the question! Alternative plans were required! So away went the picnic food and out came the good British stand-by ... sausages! Well you just can't beat a tasty dish of 'Bangers (sausages) and Mash can you ... enjoyed by younger family members and us oldies. 

Empty plates proved the point along with full tummies and big smiles on faces. 😋

Maybe next time we see the grandchildren sunshine picnics and yummy ice-cream will be back on the menu!

Wherever you are, I hope you are enjoying a good weekend.
Please share with us ... what's the weather like where you live?

More to read about Bangers and Mash here

All the best Jan


  1. ...I hope that you had a beautiful day without beautiful weather.

  2. We did Tom, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  3. As we were driving to our local town to pick up some supplies my hubbie said... You can tell it is offically summer, its raining (meaning the schools have broken up for their summer hols).

  4. An indoor picnic turned out to be just as good considering the weather. We had a stormy night on Friday, but then Saturday was party cloudy and warm. Our temps have not been as scorching as other parts of the US and the world, but we have had a lot of rain...which would not be so bad, except that crops have been flooded out.

  5. Bummer! Glad you were able to make the best of it, though.

  6. W too have been getting a ton of rain! Too bad about the picnic ! Hope you can reschedule

  7. Hope the weather improves! -Christine

  8. En mi pais esta templando el clima te mando un beso.

  9. The company and the food made up for the weather. It is cool and sunny here. Frosts in the morning followed by bright sunny days.

  10. Oh dear me, what a shame it rained - but Murphy's Law they say.
    Glad all was well with bangers and mash...I presume that is sausages and mashed potato!

  11. It's such a shame and every year it seems the same, the weather is always awful for the Summer holidays. You can't beat bangers and mash though.🙂

  12. Interesting to learn about the name "bangers".
    I think British/Aussie sausages are like Marmite/Vegemite - you only like them when you grow up with them.
    German ones are very different (at least were still in 1999, we just couldn´t eat the Aussie ones).
    Here the sun is out but only 17C...

  13. Well, it wouldn't be school holidays or picnic days without a downpour, would it? Thank goodness for being flexible and moving everything indoors and still having a good time.

  14. There is always next week!

  15. Hello,
    Sorry the weather ruined your plans.
    The day was rescued and you were all have a good time.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  16. Had to check what "mash" was. I'll wait for the ice cream and cucumber sandwiches, thank you (grin).

  17. Sounds like you had a good backup plan. Finally, it's not raining here today, a little sun but mostly cloudy. Have a wonderful day and week.

  18. Oh no, sorry to hear that rainy weather ruined your plan.
    I hope the weather will be sunny soon in England!
    Here in Central Italy the weather is too hot, and moisture in the air is 75%! Not good!

  19. Sorry about the picnic, but bangers and mash are always my favourite food, yummy! Hugs, Valerie

  20. it's so hot here that it would be nice if it rained :)

  21. We were incredibly lucky when we were in Tokyo and even avoided too much rain when we were in the British Isles in April. I’m sorry it caused a problem for you. We finally got to try your bangers in Dover and really enjoyed it though the sausage was so huge most of us couldn’t finish it. We did enjoy the Eton Mess too. :-)

  22. Kay of Musings: Oh darn! The earlier comment was from me. I’m now writing from my iPad and it keeps listing me as Anonymous.

  23. Hello Kay
    Blogger often cause glitches with commenting but your comments are coming through okay at the moment, they just have to be moderated.

    All the best Jan

    PS Glad you enjoyed the bangers (sausages) and the Eton Mess.

  24. Por aquí no llueve, hace bastante calor, solo salgo al jardín a regar las flores. Besos.

  25. Sorry to hear you had bad weather, but sounds like you all had a good time anyway :)
    It is HOT here with high humidity, hard to breathe when you go outside, but we did have a better day last Saturday so nice to get some relief sometimes!

  26. Our summer weather has been weird.

  27. Here in Michigan the weather is -- just fine. Not fabulous, not awful. Not anything. Not too hot (I could take a few more degrees), not too cold, not particularly sunny or cloudy. Rainy sometimes but not constant. I have no complaints! So sorry about your picnic,though!


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