I must admit the older I've got my likes tend to a more gentle easy listening style, and you will not find me playing any heavy metal, even though Birmingham in the UK was the birthplace of heavy metal. However, if I was Scandinavian that might not be the case!
I came across an article on 'The Big Think' detailing the popularity of heavy metal music in Scandinavia. Quite an interesting read, and I share a little of the article below ...
At the same time, the preference for metal could be due to affluence and education.
Scandinavian countries consistently rank as the happiest in the world, and for good reason. Their societies are trustful and homogenous, with high GDPs per capita, long life expectancies, and reliable infrastructure. Even their prisons, which emphasize rehabilitation over punishment and allow inmates to cook their own meals and grow their own gardens, seem relatively pleasant.
But there is another, lesser-known statistic concerning Nordic countries, one that initially appears to contradict the first: their fondness of heavy metal music. A 2016 survey by the Czech linguist and mathematician Jakub Marian found that, while the United States only had around 72 metal bands for every million citizens, Sweden had more than 428. Finland came out on top with a grand total of 630. Iceland and Norway, which had 341 and 299 per million citizens, respectively, still ranked well above the 69 bands of the United Kingdom, heavy metal’s historic birthplace.
Maybe Scandinavians are attracted to heavy metal music because its explosive sounds and violent imagery speak to their Viking heritage.
You can read more at 'The Big Think' here
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Scandinavian heavy metal: Why Earth’s happiest place makes the darkest music
Did you know there are more heavy metal bands in Scandinavian countries than anywhere else. It has been argued the genre’s popularity is uniquely linked to Nordic culture, history, and climate.At the same time, the preference for metal could be due to affluence and education.
Scandinavian countries consistently rank as the happiest in the world, and for good reason. Their societies are trustful and homogenous, with high GDPs per capita, long life expectancies, and reliable infrastructure. Even their prisons, which emphasize rehabilitation over punishment and allow inmates to cook their own meals and grow their own gardens, seem relatively pleasant.
But there is another, lesser-known statistic concerning Nordic countries, one that initially appears to contradict the first: their fondness of heavy metal music. A 2016 survey by the Czech linguist and mathematician Jakub Marian found that, while the United States only had around 72 metal bands for every million citizens, Sweden had more than 428. Finland came out on top with a grand total of 630. Iceland and Norway, which had 341 and 299 per million citizens, respectively, still ranked well above the 69 bands of the United Kingdom, heavy metal’s historic birthplace.
Maybe Scandinavians are attracted to heavy metal music because its explosive sounds and violent imagery speak to their Viking heritage.
Other well-known explanations point to Scandinavia’s history of paganism, another prominent element of Nordic metal and its performance. The genre’s dark character might relate to the region’s unforgiving climate and long nights (the northernmost areas do not see any sunlight from November to January).
h/t Marks Daily Apple here
Do you have a favourite music genre or artist(s) you like listening to? Do please share your thoughts in the comments.
image from here
However, not all the recipe ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.
All the best Jan
I am not musical. I would on the whole much rather listen to nature than any man-made sounds.
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge music fan and I listen to all genres...if it speaks to me it doesn't matter if it's hard rock, classical or anything in between!
ReplyDelete...there is very little Heavy Metal music that I enjoy.
ReplyDeletePaso a desearte un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteMy genre is more pop or folksong category
ReplyDeleteI'm not into heavy metal at all, never was and never will be.
ReplyDeleteRather listen to lighter music at my age Jan.
I enjoy almost every type of music. It just depends on my mood. I love things like Gregorian chant right through to most of today's music. The only music I'm not that keen on is the genre of Country and Western It very much depends on the artist and the song.
ReplyDeleteI like many genres of music , but opera music is a favorite of mine as I wished to be an opera singer like the daughter of a childhood neighbour of our family. I had the right voice, but something interfered with the original plan.
ReplyDeleteI like all kinds of music but my favorite is country music 🎶 🙂
ReplyDeleteLike reading, I have pretty broad tastes. Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteI love the classic rock and some of the newer country music.
Take care, have a happy weekend.
I like many genres... Heavy Metal is not one of them.
ReplyDeleteI mostly listen to classsical music, but I also love the music of the 60s and early 70s, those were the days! Valerie
ReplyDeleteVangelis.The Beatles. Mike Oldfield.Joaquin Sabinal.Nino Bravo.
ReplyDeleteLa música que me gusta.
Buen fin de semana musical para todos.
Un abrazo.
I like music and have a large record collection. I like opera, operetta, Celtic music, I love Chopin and Johann Strauss.
ReplyDeleteHugs and greetings.
I listen to classical music, although with all those genres, I am sure that I could subdivide that further--LOL!I also like polyphony, choral music, and during the autumn I add some quiet Celtic to the mix.
ReplyDeleteMe gusta casi todos los géneros de música, el Heavy no tanto. Besos.
ReplyDeleteThat's an interesting post and topic to ponder. I listen to a lot of classical but I really enjoy Celtic the most. I also like a lot of Broadway show music and sometimes jazz and blues. About the only thing I don't like at all is rap. Not fond of country but some of the songs are beautifully written. I guess it depends on the performer.
ReplyDeleteI am not big on Heavy metal anymore, I use to like some when I was a teenager but basically listen to pop stuff now, and a little country although that is getting to sound more pop here lately!
ReplyDeleteI don't really care for metal, and strongly dislike rap and hip hop. After that, I can find things I like in other genres.