Sunday, 17 September 2023

Sharing words and thoughts ...

Also sharing these thoughts/words from Dale Carnegie

You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total
of this world's happiness now. How?
By giving a few words of sincere appreciation
to someone who is lonely or discouraged.
Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today,
but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.

~~ xx ~~

Enjoy your Sunday,
and may the coming week be a good one for you.

All the best Jan


  1. Kindness never goes astray does it? Both to give and to receive.

  2. Buenos pensamientos. Te mando un beso

  3. The sayings are both worth remembering and using.

  4. This is very good advice for certain. And my small act of kindness to you is that I enjoy stopping by your blog.

  5. Good words, these same words I have on my blog.

  6. This is a great quote. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  7. that is so true and give a smile whenever you can, you will be surprised how it changes someone's day!

  8. Muy lindo pensamiento. Feliz semana también para ti.

  9. This is great. Thank you for this informative post , please have a look on this


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