Sunday, 10 September 2023

Well Done Millie

It's a delight to share stories like this šŸ˜Š

"Little Millie Hedges of Pennington donates 21 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust and raises over £400

A SEVEN-year-old girl who donated 21 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust which makes wigs for children with no hair has raised more than £400.

Millie Hedges from Pennington went for the chop at Guy Kremers hairdressers in Lymington and says she “loves” her new look – a chin-length bob.

Mum Joanna said: “We are very proud parents. She was so delighted afterwards that she had actually done it.

“Thanks to everyone who has donated – it has really made Millie happy.”

Millie had originally planned to have 15 inches of her hair cut off and had a fundraising target of £150.

But on the day she decided to have even more chopped off and has smashed her target.

~ well done Millie ~

The Little Princess Trust makes wigs for children and teenagers who have lost their hair because of cancer treatment, alopecia and other medical conditions."

Words and pictures above taken from news article here

Read more about The Little Princess Trust here

All the best Jan


  1. ...she is giving some young girl a wonderful gift.

  2. Es una noble acciĆ³n te mando un beso.

  3. Now that is super impressive! Hooray for Millie!

  4. What a selfless act as such a young age.

  5. Hooray for Millie, Well done!

    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  6. Good for her. She looks nice with it cut too.

  7. Such a lovely thing to do and Millie looks lovely with her new haircut.

  8. Me parece una bonita iniciativa, por aquƭ hay muchas niƱas que hacen lo mismo. Besos.

  9. Well done Millie! And for such a worthy cause.

  10. what an awesome story and that new hair style looks great on her!!!

  11. Well done. And her bob looks very cute on her.

  12. Congratulations to Millie!!! Well done!

  13. Jean, very good deed, especially that it comes from a girl. It is to imitate

  14. Congratulations to Milla. She looks beautiful with short hair.
    Have a nice week.

  15. What a wonderful thing for Millie to do. Bless her heart. Her new hairdo looks great too!
    A little girl from our church did the same thing.

  16. Oh Millie, you have a made suffering, others make with you, great time donate hair.

  17. Beautiful hair and good heart.

  18. a wonderful feel good story that was so sweet of her to share her hair like that, the cut does look very cute on her!

  19. Love how beautiful and serene this girl looks so proud love this one is! Enjoy the week!

  20. Good for Millie, She certainly did a lovely thing and the money (and hair) went to a good cause.

  21. So sweet of Millie.

    All the best to you!


  22. This is wonderful! My daughter did something similar when she was a child and had her waist-length hair cut, The organization was called "Locks of Love."


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