Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Did You Know ?

The human body is an amazing thing, but even though we spend all day with ourselves, there are still plenty of things that you probably don’t know about your body.

Here are Ten ...

1. Hiccups can last a very long time. The record is held by Charles Osborne – this poor man had hiccups for a total of 68 years without stopping!

2. Can’t remember your dream from last night? That’s perfectly normal since most people will forget 90% of their dreams.

3. During the average lifetime, your heart will pump a grand total of 182 million litres of blood.

4. By the time you’re a fully-grown adult, approximately a quarter of all your bones are in your feet.

5. Humans are constantly shedding particles of skin throughout the day. You’ll mainly notice this when you get out of the bath or shower. By the time you’re 70 years old, you will have shed around 100 pounds of skin.

6. When you sneeze, it could potentially travel at 100 miles per hour (or even faster!).

7. The average person will walk around 100,000 miles during their lifetime. 

8. Have you ever thought about the space between your eyebrows? There’s a name for this area, and it’s called the “glabella.”

9. If you don’t have blue eyes now, you were born with them. Everybody is born with blue eyes due to the pigment melanin, but the colour will change for most people as they grow up.*

10. Only one out of every two billion people will live to be 116 years old.

Did you know any of these facts?
I knew three of them - numbers 5, 8 and 9

*post edit, this refers to Caucasian babies, please see more in the comments section below.

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, funnies, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipe ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Shared this to Facebook because it's super interesting, I didn't know any of them!

  2. Very interesting facts! 100 pounds of skin shed is incredible!

  3. Enjoyed these -Christine

  4. Gosh! I hate to tell you this but I know my kids had brown eyes when they were born. I think that study was for Caucasian babies. :-)

  5. Uy geniales datos. Te mando un beso.

  6. I knew
    #2 but not the exact percentage.
    #3 – millions litres of blood but not the exact number.
    And one or two more.
    Or maybe I should say I didn't know any of them.

  7. Some really interesting information!

  8. I knew some of these and was glad to learn the others. I feel sorry for that poor man with the hiccups though.

  9. This is interesting, and informative. I didn't know any of these. Thank you for sharing this eye-opening information. Wishing you all the best, have a great Week!

  10. I knew 2,5 and 9. It's amazing how little we know of ourselves. We just rely on our bodies to keep on keeping on and are faintly surprised when things go wrong . . .

  11. Good information Jan, some I knew.

  12. Actually, all babies are not born with blue eyes. My son's eyes and both daughters' were brown.

  13. Interesting facts, a fun post.
    Number 2 is only I knew.
    Take care, have a great day!

  14. Amazing facts. I sometimes dream in stereo surround sound. Especially after a few drinks.

    God bless.

  15. I knew 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9. Very interesting post today, Jan.

    1. Very interesting I only knew number 9, I'll be sharing these. 😊

  16. Hello Jan, :=) We do tend to take our bodies for granted and know very little about them. I only knew one of these facts,and only a little about the others. My mother once told me that it is dangerous to hiccup for a long period of time, and you could even die. How accurate that is, I don't know, but I really feel sorry for the man with hiccups. It would be interesting to discover why this happens!
    All the best

  17. Interesting
    I knew only 2 6 and 8

  18. These facts are so interesting, I had no idea that a quarter of our bones are in our foot, so interesting! Hope you have an amazing New Year!

    xoxo, MIDORI

  19. I knew 6 of them. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9. This was a fun one. Have a nice day today.

  20. Jan the human machine is sensational! Did you know we have windshield wipers on it?They are eyelashes!, as their function is to protect the eyes from dirt and other foreign objects, and to keep them clean and clear.

  21. Fun article today, thanks! Hugs, Valerie

  22. Wow... I do think we take our bodies for granted, I want to be more aware of caring for mine in 2024!!
    Happy New Year!!

  23. Didn't know eveyone is born with blue eyes. (I was born with blue eyes that changed gradually over the years to a mixture of blue and green - the color of my Dad's (rip) eyes).

  24. this was fun...the only one i new was #9!!

  25. Many thanks everybody for sharing your thoughts and comments.

    Point number nine:- "If you don’t have blue eyes now, you were born with them. Everybody is born with blue eyes due to the pigment melanin, but the colour will change for most people as they grow up." raised some very interesting comments.

    I did a little more research and "Eye colour, just like skin and hair colour, is determined by melanin. These natural pigments are produced by cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes help provide protection from sun damage, and increase their production in response to sun exposure.

    When a baby is born, their eyes may be light or even blue, but they will likely change colour as the melanocytes respond to light.

    Race is also a factor, as researchers note that the majority of babies born with blue eyes are Caucasian. Other ethnic groups, including those of African and Asian ancestry, are more often born with brown eyes."

    More to read at 'All About Vision' site here

    All the best Jan

  26. I had a former colleague who had hiccups for years -- till he died. He was a radio announcer and had to retire because of it. I always love it when you dig out fun facts -- -I always learn something new!

  27. I don't think I knew most of those facts. I enjoy these posts of yours, because I always learn something. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  28. very interesting, I didn't know any of these.

  29. What a fun post. I have bright blue eyes! Happy new year my friend!

  30. I have heard of them before but forgot the details.

  31. I didn't know most of them. How fascinating!xxx

  32. Conocía algunos de ellos. Creo que lo de los ojos no siempre es así, una de mis hijas nació con los ojos marrones y la otra verdes. Abrazos.


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