Saturday, 13 January 2024

Five More Good Habits To Consider For 2024

What did you think of Wednesday's post where I shared the first part of good habits to consider for 2024? If you missed it, it's here

Now for your consideration here are five more good habit suggestions. Remember, t
hey are only suggestions, please read on, see what you think of them and do share your thoughts in the comments section below.

1. Take up journaling.
Whenever you write down your thoughts and feelings, it helps you process your emotions, reduce stress, and reflect on yourself. It can help improve your mental well-being, but other than improving your mental health, journaling also serves as a documentary of your life.

2. Practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness meditation is about meditating while being in the moment, accepting whatever thoughts come into your mind without judgment. As a result, you gain more focus, reduce stress levels, and become less emotionally reactive. Keep in mind, though, that mindfulness doesn’t just revolve around meditation. It can also be practiced with other activities, like yoga, tai chi, and Qigong.

3. Implement a skincare routine.
According to dermatologists, a proper skincare routine doesn’t have to be complicated. All you really need are three things; cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. They say anything other than the three mentioned are just optional. Looking after your skin is a great habit to adopt, since, just like exercising, skincare not only benefits your physical but also your mental well-being. This is because caring for your skin activates happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin and boosts self-confidence, making you look good and feel good!

4. Get organized.
Becoming an organized person has many mental health benefits. It eliminates distractions and stress in your surroundings, making you feel relaxed or giving you peace of mind. In addition, when you plan and organize what you eat daily, you can also become physically healthier! 

5. Become a lifelong learner.
There’s a saying that the day you stop learning is the day you stop growing. This alone is enough to make us realize how important lifelong learning is. To be more specific, learning consistently can provide you with many benefits. For example, it can keep your brain healthy, increase self-esteem, and make life a little more interesting!
Words taken from article here

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

I thought number four an excellent suggestion and with regard to number three, I do cleanse and moisturise but don't always use sunscreen! 

Do please share your thoughts about these five suggestions in the comments below.
Taking the opportunity to wish you a Happy Weekend.

All the best Jan


  1. I practice journaling every day, usually with some sketches tied in, spend about an hour every morning in mindfulness and always wanting to learn. All I do with my face is splash soap and water on it, rub some coconut oil as a moisturizer and that's about it. lol.

  2. I am grateful to learn each and every day - while being simultaneously appalled at how much there is for me to learn.

  3. ...#5 is about the only one that I would be good at!

  4. I don't like #1. I don't like my thoughts exposed on paper. : )

    #2, 3, 4, 5 - every single day.

  5. Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

  6. # 1, 2, 4 Yes
    3 woefully lacking
    5 I have attended 1 junior college, 8 universities
    12 years in hs and about 20+ years in college
    plus years teaching
    more in tutoring, some free

  7. I need to practice the mindfulness.

  8. I would love to do all five consistently

  9. Always curious, always learning, though not necessarily retaining!

  10. I use water on my face without soap, and then apply a very quick and easy 'bamboo' moisturiser/ hydrator.

  11. #4 is a bit tricky for me, the rest I have covered :-)

  12. These are great suggestions. I journal, and it is a stress reliever. And being a life long learner keeps life fun. You'll never know what you'll discover. Have a super weekend to both of you.

  13. Great tips.
    Winter time is hard on my skin, it is so dry.
    Thanks for sharing the list.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. I definitely need to get better with my skin care routines, this is a great list!
    Have a great week
    Wren x

  15. I need to get organized. That sounds like a fantastic goal for 2024.

  16. Lots of good ideas, but sometimes it's easyier to admire the ideas than to practise them! Valerie

  17. Great suggestions, I find it hard to practice mindfulness my mind is always thinking ahead it's hard to be in the moment. I used to write a journal but got out of the habit maybe I'll start again. 🙂

  18. Continuing to learn throughout life is key imo. Great list!

  19. All 5 are great suggestions. The mindfulness one gives me the most trouble but I keep trying.

  20. Good tips. I do try to be organised.


  21. These are all good ones too.

  22. All wonderful suggestions ~ thanks ~ do most of them now myself ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. These are all excellent suggestions. I can see these for both a more healthy and more satisfying life.

  24. I'm certainly working on number 4-getting organised . The others are great ideas too x

  25. Todo me parece muy interesante, alguna si lo hago. Buena semana para ti.

  26. I'm a great believer in lifelong learning, being both a tutor and a learner myself

  27. I pretty much do all of them but the one that I need to focus on this year is organizing, I am terrible at that, my sister is the master of it and I am just the opposite.


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The best of health to you and yours.
