Thursday, 25 January 2024

Is 10,000 steps a day necessary?

Sharing an article by Steve Parker, M.D.

"10,000 Steps a Day: C’mon, Man! Is That Really Necessary?

For perhaps 15-20 years, many health experts have recommended you walk 10,000 steps/day as important for maximizing your health and longevity. Depending on your stride length, that’s roughly 5 miles (8 km). When I walk my dogs 4 miles, it takes about 90 minutes, which is a big time commitment. Frankly, it’s often boring. But not for the dogs. So many fascinating odours!

The good news is, you don’t need to walk the 10,000 steps in one fell swoop. Your walking around your residence and workplace throughout the day counts, too.

More good news. If you’re an older woman, maybe 4,400 steps/day is enough for a longevity benefit. In other populations studied, 6,000 to 8,000 steps/day was optimal.

I admitted a patient to the hospital a few days ago who told me her health insurer sends her a small check monthly if she meets their step goal. She’s saving them money via lower healthcare expenditures, and they’re sharing with her. I love it!"

 Steve Parker, M.D.

Words and picture above taken from here

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

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enjoy a walk - image from google

Articles within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your Doctor/local health care provider.

All the best Jan


  1. Oh, I can’t walk that far. I have weak ligaments in my ankles, which have gotten sprained so many times that they are permanently swollen. If I walk a mile and a half over the course of the day, I feel wiped out. My phone has a walking tracker and it shows my walking steadiness is almost always low.

    I do some other exercises but I like walking and I would like to do it more if I could. And of course my dog likes walking.

  2. Recently I heard 5,000 steps is ok, but many days I seem to get 10,000 over the course of the day, even if I putter around the house. But I'm a walker, so I get not everybody would do that.

  3. I heard about the 10,000 steps quite a few years ago and have attempted to walk that much each day. I don't always make my goal, and rarely in one fell swoop, sometimes taking shorter walks throughout the day. Steps indoors count, too, although pushing a shopping cart or baby stroller doesn't, as resting one's arms stops the count. But I'm not too bothered by that. I feel good when walk 10-12,000 steps and would like to do that for as long as possible.

  4. ...10,000 seems unattainable for me.

  5. Gracias por el consejo. Te mando un beso.

  6. I have no idea how many steps I do a day, probably not many.

  7. Practical Parsimony here
    I truly enjoyed chickens when I had them. No cats or dogs ever for me. Allergies. Those chickens made me walk. One freezing winter, I had to carry them because they refused to walk in snow! (yes, I am allergic to feathers, but I did not have to carry them but three days.) One chicken would actually come to swing where I was lying and cuddle with me. She talked to me when I was on the phone outdoors. If it rang, she rushed right over, jumped on the back of the bench and tried to talk into phone. Crazy chicken made me laugh all the time. Great stress reliever.

  8. I rarely achieve the 10000 steps goal though I don't carry my phone (which measures my step) around the house and garden so who knows what my average is. It is nice to hear that 4 to 5 thousand (which I often achieve) might be good enough.

  9. I'm not one to count my steps. I always feel that any exercise is good exercise and I do enjoy walking as long as it's not raining.

  10. Walking is fine on the days off work lol

  11. I didn't realise the 10,000 steps advice had been around for so long. All advice should be taken with a pinch of commonsense and not used to make us feel guilty. Well,that's my excuse, anyway . . . ;-)

  12. Tento caminhar 6000 por dia, mas nem sempre consigo. Mas quando em férias na praia, faço o dobro sem sentir...Passear com cachorro é bom! beijos, chiuca

  13. I love walking but rarely walk 10,000 steps I'm happy if I can get up to 5,000.

  14. Hello,
    I am a fair weather walker, I have been walking more around the house and I am on my exercise bike. It should all count. Take care, have a great day!

  15. I wish my doc would pay me off! I guess we just have to be happy with being as healthy as we can be!

  16. I can't walk as much as I used to, but I try for 5-6000 each day. Valerie

  17. Our health insurance gives us gift cards if we meet our fitness goals. That said, our daily walk qualifies. We used to walk 3 miles a day, but now it's down to 1.5 miles. Some folks really love the challenge that fitness watches give.

  18. I know walking is very good for you - I tried the 10K - that is a lot of steps!

  19. i would love to be able to walk that many steps, i am just not able!!

  20. I doubt I walk 4 or 5 miles a day but I do walk. My dog even though he's 9 years old had a lot of energy so we go for a 15 minute walk about 6 times a day.

  21. Counting steps to me takes the fun out of where I'm going.

  22. You know I walk more than that. :) My morning walk alone is just over 12,000 steps. I never find it boring!! I don't have an amount I aim for every day, I just love to walk. :)

  23. Thank you for this great article. An adorable photo!

  24. I like walking but not on my own and not for too long. I'm happy if I walk 5.500 steps.

  25. I use to try to achieve that but since my knees have gotten bad and having feet problems too, I am good to manage 5000.

  26. I'm just getting back on my feet after 3 months in a wheelchair. I am up to 30 minutes a day walking without a break. Each day gets better. Hmmm 4,400 steps coming up.

  27. Me ha gustado mucho este reportaje. Gracias y besos.

  28. I've never counted steps but do count time spent on cardio. I love that health insurance sometimes rewards recommended behavior. I think that's unusual.

  29. That is very good to know!xxx


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