Wednesday 7 February 2024

Ever wondered why many give chocolate on Valentines Day?

In one weeks time it will be Valentines Day and out shopping recently there were so many around the special 'Valentines' aisle in the supermarket. You could see them wondering what may be the best gift to buy. Shall I buy this ... err no - perhaps this one would be better. Yes, February 14th has become one of the key dates on the commercial calendar, with romantic Brits spending an estimated £1.37 billion on cards and gifts (and Americans as much as $23.9 billion).

"Valentine’s Day, the 14th February, is celebrated by many worldwide. While seemingly over-commercialized, the sales of many items, such as aftershave/perfume, big red balloons, cards, chocolate, jewellery, lingerie, and plush toys sky-rocket (along with the prices). These gifts are almost seen as traditional.

For many the go-to gift is chocolate and indeed February is the time when chocolate factories reach an all-time high in sales and production!

But why do we give chocolate?
Chocolate is supposed to symbolize affection, attraction, deep love, luxury, passion, and sensuality.

Some scientists have undertaken various studies and seen that chocolate is also an aphrodisiac. It increases the desire and energy levels. Endorphins are released.

And as Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods said in Legally Blonde (2001) said, “Endorphins make you happy.”

Chocolate comes from “Theobroma cacao” tree, which in Greek translates as to “food for the Gods”.

People see this message and realize that if it’s good enough for the Gods, it must be good for my boy/girlfriend/special person.

How Chocolate Affects Humans.
It has a huge psychological and emotional effect on people. It can show a sincere apology, express delight and happiness, initiate desire, reflect love, rekindle friendships, and uplift morale.

With all these benefits to humans and an incredible taste, why shouldn’t you give chocolate to someone you hold near and dear to you this Valentine?

Did You Know…
That interestingly, there is a tradition in China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, known as White Day. On February 14th, women give men their gifts.

On March 14th the men then give their gifts, usually, white chocolate chip cookies, jewellery, white chocolate, white lingerie, and marshmallows.

A general rule states that the return gift should be double, or triple the cost of the Valentine gift."
The above words and image from article here

How about making these low carb walnut and brandy truffles for your Valentine ... they are simply delicious, more details here

As regular readers know, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes!

However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...sweets for your sweetie?

  2. All I know is that I do like chocolate! lol

  3. wow! Great post about Valentine's Day along with chocolate info ~ thanks,

    Sorry to say I am allergic to chocolate and have to avoid it for the most part.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. You are making chocolate great again. I avoid it because of sugar and caffeine.

  5. Very interesting. Ironically candy isn't my thing anymore, I find it just too sweet. It's cake and ice cream that are my downfall.

  6. This is interesting! Especially the part about the traditions in other countries!

  7. Another fascinating post. That is interesting about white day. I have never heard of that. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love this article, interesting :)

  9. That is an interesting read Jan.

  10. I just love chocolate, but after my post today, I will be more discriminating asto brand.

  11. Eu adoro chocolate e é um bom presente!
    beijos, lindo dia! chica

  12. I like only dark chocolate :D

  13. 'A general rule states that the return gift should be double, or triple the cost of the Valentine gift' is quite a custom to live up to!
    I think Valentine's Day has become another day on which lonely people can be made to feel even worse than usual.

  14. Interesting post on Valentine's Day traditions.
    I do love chocolate!
    Take care, have a great day!

  15. Interesting! -Christine

  16. Thank you so much for sharing those chocolate truffles. I am not a big fan of chocolate, but sometimes only a bit of something chocolate will satisfy the cravings. These sound delicious. I don't have brandy but I may pop into the store to see if I can find the brandy essence or something similar. Now that I think about it, I have some coffee extract that would probably work. Happy Valentines Day to you!

  17. Wow that's a lot of chocolate.

  18. I am really not a chocolate person, but I really enjoyed this post. Have a lovely day.

  19. Chocolate is always good, I have only made paper Valentines! Valerie

  20. Enjoyed your post we did not grow up with much chocolate at home when I was a kid as my Mom did not like anything with chocolate. I learned about quality dark chocolates when I met my husband-

  21. I am not a huge chocolate lover but it is nice every now and then :)

  22. I love chocolate and will almost certainly have some tonight.

  23. Otro interesante reportaje. Esperaré para ver que me regala mi marido, jajaja. Besos.


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