Friday, 1 March 2024

Welcome March 2024

I'm always pleased when the 1st of March is here because it's nice to think that Spring is just around the corner. The daffodils are springing up well and lots are showing their lovely colourful, cheerful heads.

It's also St David's Day today, and St Patricks Day on the 17th March.

daffodils, so cheerful

Stained glass depiction of Saint David, designed by William Burges, at Castell Coch, Cardiff

Stained-glass window of St. Patrick from Saint Patrick Catholic Church, Junction City, Ohio, U.S.

"The Month Of March
“March” is named for the Roman god of war, Mars. However, we think of it as the beginning of spring, as March brings the vernal equinox and the Full Worm Moon.

March’s birth flower is the daffodil, which signifies regard or unrequited love. 

March’s birthstone is the aquamarine; its colour can be pale to dark blue, greenish-blue, or blue-green; deep, intense blue versions are more valuable.

March’s Zodiac signs are Pisces (February 20 to March 20) and Aries (March 21 to April 20).

March weather can bring rain and mud! Sprinkle salt on carpets to dry out muddy footprints before vacuuming.

The Full Worm Moon
March’s full Moon, the Worm Moon, reaches peak illumination on the morning of Monday, March 25, 2024. Look for it on the evening of Sunday, March 24, as the moon rises above the horizon!

The brown buds thicken on the trees,
Unbound, the free streams sing,
As March leads forth across the leas
The wild and windy spring.
Elizabeth Akers Allen (1832–1911)"
words and images above taken from article here

~ Wishing you a happy March 2024 ~

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas within this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy ... but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...thanks for the preview of daffodils to come here soon.

  2. I enjoyed this post-did not know that daffodils were March's flower-love that
    awesome moon too Happy March

  3. It's fun to read about March. I'll enjoy the daffodils I bought since they're the flower. Happy March to you.

  4. I'm looking forward to see in the daffodils.

  5. The daffodils are gorgeous!
    I'm happy to get to March. We still have snow, but we're getting there!

  6. Those daffodils are gorgeous! We saw a few daffodils blooming in our neighborhood today, a welcome sight indeed. Thank you for another great post. All the best and Happy March :)

  7. Beautiful yellow flowers!

  8. I saw some daffodils out today here already - sure sign of spring.

  9. That was very informative, thanks for sharing, and thank you for sharing those lovely images, I especially like the one with the moon.

  10. The daffodils are beautiful one of my favourite flowers...Good to read about this month Jan.

  11. A host of golden daffodils. We have many blooming here, too.

  12. Daffodils are breathtakingly beautiful. Happy March!

  13. Lovely informative post. The daffodils are gorgeous.

  14. Lindo prenúncio da primavera e adorei a lua!
    Feliz MARÇO ,que seja bem alegre e aproveitado!
    beijos, chica

  15. You made March so lovely to embrace!

  16. Happy March to you!
    I love the photo of the daffodils!
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  17. Happy March to you! Enjoy the flowers!

  18. Beautiful spring photos withe the flowers. Have a nice weekend !

  19. Wonderful photos, happy St David's day!Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  20. Thank you very much, this month starts here cold and hopefully rainy because water is very much needed, the swamps are very low, says a saying that "windy March, rainy April bring out a flowery and beautiful May" let's hope it comes true.
    Best regards

  21. We really think of this month as the beginning of Spring. Interesting post and beautiful picture of the moon. I'd like to visit Castel Coch in Wales, which you mentioned.
    Have a nice month of March!

  22. Tengan un genial mes. Me gusto saber algunas curiosidades sobre él. Les mando un beso.

  23. Looking forward to seeing some blooming daffodils.
    Fantastic picture of the moon.
    Happy March

  24. Daffodils are such happy harbinger of spring. Our March has started very wet. What's the saying? "In like a lion, out like a lamb". Definitely lion this weekend. Happy March to you - Carola

  25. I can't wait to see the daffodils out in flower here.
    And it's almost time to pick some wild garlic. X

  26. Happy March . I always like your new month posts.

  27. Great post for March. (I can't believe January and February flew by so fast.) I've been hearing the birds singing for a few weeks now, promising Spring is in the air. Where I am, March can go either way, when it comes to rain or snow. But the daffodils have started growing, although they aren't affected if they get buried under snow, which has happened.

  28. Happy March... I always like your month posts.


    chica said...
    Lindo prenúncio da primavera e adorei a lua!
    Feliz MARÇO ,que seja bem alegre e aproveitado!
    beijos, chica

    Beautiful harbinger of spring and loved the moon!
    Happy MARCH, may you be very joyful and enjoyed!
    Kisses, Chica

    J.P. Alexander said...
    Tengan un genial mes. Me gusto saber algunas curiosidades sobre él. Les mando un beso

    Have a great month. I liked to know some curiosities about it. I send a kiss

  30. Awesome photos ~ love the full moon one ~ and great post ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. It's so perfect that March's flower is the daffodil. To me they are the epitome of spring!

  32. Feliz mes de marzo para ti. Besos.

  33. I love that signs of spring comes in March and it is also my birth month so that is nice too :)

  34. Hi Jan. Thanks so much for your visit. We are both showing up as anonymous. I am even showing that on my own blog. Happy spring is almost here..xxoJudy


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