Sunday, 21 April 2024

Sunday : Some Thoughts !

Do you consider Sunday the first or last day of the week? I was always told it was the first day... and apparently, it was originally the first day of the week rather than the last, in a calendar derived from Hellenistic astrology!

I wonder how do you spend your Sunday? Do you consider this day just another typical day, or a special day for relaxation and spending time with your friends, your family, or yourself?

Although some people may be working on Sundays, this day is usually the time for most of us to rest from work. What makes Sundays great is that you can actually do a lot of things like going to church, strolling with the family, day out with friends, or perhaps go shopping.

Of course you may not want to go outside! You may choose to stay in - do some yoga, or meditation, even watch a movie, or just sit down and enjoy reading the papers, magazine or good book! I have known some friends catch up with their housework!!!

However, you choose to spend your Sunday, I wish you a great day and a good start to the new week.

Some Random Sunday Facts

Sunday is named after the Sun. Unlike many of the other six days in a week, almost every language around has derived its word for Sunday from the meaning “Sun’s Day” or “Day of Sun.”

Months that begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them.

Worldwide, nearly all banks are closed on Sundays.

In the U.K., most period TV dramas like Downton Abbey, Call The Midwife, Lark Rise to Candleford, and Heartbeat commonly air on a Sunday evening.

Professional golf tournaments often end on a Sunday.

Most motorsport events like MotoGP, Formula One, and NASCAR Sprint Cup races take place on a Sunday, with Saturday typically being when qualifying for the race takes place.

Today Sunday 21st April 2024 is the Chinese Formula One Grand Prix! With Max Verstappen on pole, I wonder if he will go on to win it? We shall see!

Whatever your plans for today maybe,
I hope you find time to sit and enjoy a cuppa

 and perhaps a low carb Almond and Orange Biscuit

you can find the recipe here

All the best Jan


  1. ...for me, the week starts with Monday!

  2. Most of my life, I considered Sunday as the lst day of the week. Now that I'm back to work full-time, I see Monday as the first day of the work week and week.

  3. have always seen Sunday as the first day of the week. back when I was younger and working for the phone co we worked soooo much overtime and never had the same days off or even the same hours each day. to keep my sanity I knew Sunday was the first day of the week.
    I am old so way back when growing up-Sunday was always family and church day too

  4. I consider Sunday the first day of the week. For us, Sunday always includes church and a day we can just relax without feeling like we should be working on something!

  5. Ten un genial domingo. Te mando un beso.


  6. Good question! In the beginning God created . . . and on the Seventh Day {Sunday} He rested. However, as a child I always thought the week began with church on Sunday. It is day two of the weekend, implying the end of the week. So, who knows? One thing I would like to see is continuity of the placement of Sunday on calendars! Jolly irritating when some are printed with Sunday far left, on others it is far right.

  7. Enjoy your Sunday! Yummy biscuits.-Christine

  8. Sunday is the first day of the week. Monday is first day of work week. I do anything on Sunday that I would do any other day of the week. Once upon a time, I went to church Sunday morning and Sunday night.

  9. Not being a churchgoer I have always considered Monday the first day of the week.
    I spent some of mine today in the garden.

  10. I consider Sunday a special day of the week. I usually like Sunday family tables. Have a beautiful dayđŸŒ·!

  11. Theoretically, Sunday is the first day of the week, but practically, Monday starts the week.
    Those biscuits look lovely:-)

  12. Week starts on Monday.
    Thanks for all the factoids! Fun reading...
    Happy week!

  13. The end of the week is Friday, Monday beginning of the week...what happened to Saturday and Sunday - have no
    I don't do much on Sundays sometimes, it can be a family day for me on an odd occasion but that's due to family working on Sundays.

  14. That biscuit looks so yummy. Love your tidbits and look forward to reading them.

  15. Jan,after a week of hard work, we wait for Sunday to rest, although at the end of that day we get depressed thinking how arduous the week ahead will be.

  16. Well we try to get to church, and I do try to meditate a little. But being in a wheelchair limits the weather I can get out in. It looks nice today, but is actually quite cold.

  17. I always consider Sunday the last day of the week because Monday is the start of my dreaded work week.

  18. For us Sunday is the first day of the week and we start if off by going to church. We go to Sunday School, Church and we have evening church also. Sunday is church day. :)
    During the afternoon we relax.

  19. Great random facts about Sunday. Sunday is the first day of the week though when I worked full time that day was Monday. LOL! Sundays I enjoy church with my family and then family dinner at my house. That's my kind of Sunday. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  20. For me, Sunday is the first day of the week. I usually spend Sunday morning at church with family and then enjoy a variety of activities in the afternoon or sometimes just enjoy the rest of the day relaxing.

  21. I know the first day of the week on the calendar is Sunday but I have always thought of it as the weeks end. We always go to church, then either go out for lunch or come home and make one, something simple though, unlike my mother who always had a nice meal on Sunday. Then we usually spend the day doing things we enjoy, unless we didn't get the work done we needed to do on Saturday.

  22. Great article! Thanks for sharing, happy Earth Day!

  23. I always think of it as the last day of the week. The wind down day. And my Sundays are almost always the same. I start in the morning with the newspaper and puzzles; make a huge breakfast for Rick and me; catch a couple of news show. Then the middle of the day is open for whatever -- if it's nice a walk or working outside; if not, then maybe reading or tidying or baking. I'll usually make Sunday dinner and after we watch our favorite British shows on TV from 7-11! So routine!

  24. Sunday isn't exactly just another day, but it is more that it is a feeling. Cause things are about the same, day in and day out...or maybe I should say from week to week is the same. But on Sundays we have a greater chance of see our granddaughter and her mom and dad. When I was a kid, we had the farm animals to see to, and mom did do cooking and dishes, but we did not do laundry or work in the garden, unless it was to go get something specific for that day...we did not house clean. We just did what had to be done.

  25. sweet post dear Jan

    i think Sunday is special day for all of us for those particularly who have jobs and are free on Sundays only :)

    i have some nice treasures of olden Sundays from my childhood too

    hugs and best wishes !

  26. Para mĂ­ el domingo es el Ășltimo dĂ­a de la semana,me gusta el domingo. Besos. )


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