Monday, 8 April 2024

Wishing You A Happy Monday

Well the weekend came and zoom it went! The weather in our part of the UK wasn't too bad with Sunday being a lovely day. In fact out and about people were sitting in their gardens albeit with a light coat on! Sunshine just lifts the spirits doesn't it 😊

Some parts of the UK were not so fortunate with Storm Kathleen bringing some very wet and windy weather and flights from some airports were grounded.

Today (8th April 2024) we also have the prospect of a solar eclipse which should be visible for those across North America and other countries (more details here) while here in the UK you may see it if you live in the western parts of the country. It is important to remember that you need special glasses or viewers to watch the eclipse - do not attempt to make your own.

Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, I hope you have a happy Monday.

Perhaps you may have time for a slice of
Ginger Cake
Made the lower carb way using coconut flour
more details here

A variety of recipe ideas are within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Have a happy week! It's still Sunday here in Hawaii. I'm afraid we'll only see about a 20% eclipse tomorrow morning. However, it's expected to be very cloudy so I shall have to rely on the TV news to show what it looks like.

  2. The eclipse is all over the news here. I live in Michigan where we are to have about a 95% eclipse. It's supposed to peak at 3:10. I'll be at work, but I'm sure we'll see the effects.
    I love ginger, that cake looks good!

  3. Ten una linda semana. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  4. Ginger in bakes. Yes please and thank you! Delightful.

  5. Lovely cake, yes we are gearing up for the eclipse here -Christine

  6. Happy Monday (and the week to come) to you and Eddie too.

  7. I do like a nice slice of a loaf cake with a mug of my favourite tea. Looks a yummy way to start the new week! Have a lovely week!

  8. I heard about Kathleen coming my news said.
    Sunshine warms the bones and does make us feel good.

  9. glad you had a lovely weekend dear Jan
    sorry for those who weren't lucky ,hope storm goes away harmlessly

    best wishes

  10. Just before sunset will be the time to see the partial eclipse in UK. People seem to be much more excited about it in the areas of total eclipse than I remember being the case previously. It is an extraordinary occurrence. We were in Wales during the last one.

  11. Happy Monday! Yes, it's been a windy weekend here but it's much calmer today. I don't think we've got any chance of seeing the eclipse here.

  12. I love ginger cakes that often reduce nausea for me.

  13. Happy Monday to you. I had planned to take the grandkids into London but then realised the trains are on strike so not a great start to the week.

  14. Happy Monday! Your cake looks delicious!
    Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  15. ...I hope that you Monday is off to a great start.

  16. A happy Monday and a happy week to you. The ginger loaf cake looks delicious and is one of my favourite flavours. I also think the quiche looks delicious too.
    I didn't know that the royal residencies had so many clocks that needed to be altered individually. A lot of work for some people to do. I don't think we are in the right place to see the eclipse but I am sure there will be lots of photos taken by those who see it.

  17. This sounds delicious Jan! Thank you and all the best!

  18. Ginger cake, yummy! Enjoy! Valerie
    Have a great week!

  19. And a happy Monday to you too.
    Cakes looks yummy.

  20. That looks delicious. And I can't believe how fast time is going by this year.

  21. To wake up to sun streaming in through the windows is one of the greatest joys of life. And Copper loves it, too...a lot of times he will find sunny spots to lay in. Whether inside or outside.

  22. I'm glad the storm is over and hope it was relatively uneventful. That ginger cake recipe looks like a keeper!

  23. Glad the storm didn't effect you. Yes we enjoyed the eclipse here, we were able to see the one in 2017 also so quite lucky both were so close to us.


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