Saturday, 25 May 2024

DIABETES NEWS : Why is there a sharp rise in diabetes in under-40s?

"Why is there a sharp rise in diabetes in under-40s?

Diabetes UK has reported a significant surge in diabetes cases in people under 40, including children. But what has it outlined as the main causes?

There has been a 39% rise in cases of diabetes among the under-40s, with thousands more undiagnosed, according to a report by Diabetes UK.

The report's authors said cases of type 2 diabetes among all under-40s have risen by more than 47,000 since 2016/17, an increase of 39%, compared with a rise of 25% for those over 40.

Type 2 diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body's cells do not react to insulin properly, and lifestyle factors often contribute to its development, according to the NHS.

Diabetes UK's report suggested poor diets and obesity were largely to blame for the increase in cases, arguing that "drastic changes" over the last 25 years to the food people eat and the environments they live in are taking their toll.

"We are bombarded by adverts for cheaper, unhealthy food," it said.

"The foods on our shelves are increasingly high in fat, salt and sugar, and rising costs are pushing a healthy diet out of reach for millions.

"These conditions, combined with genetic factors and stark inequalities, are driving rising levels of obesity, which increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes."

The charity pointed out that until 25 years ago, type 2 diabetes in children had never been identified in the UK, but warned it is "now rising rapidly".

The study said: "People with type 2 diabetes under 40 are more likely to be living with obesity than those in older age groups.

"This is especially pronounced in children," it said, adding that 81% of children with type 2 are living with obesity.

The study also points to "gross inequalities", with people from the most deprived areas and those from black and South Asian backgrounds more likely to develop diabetes.

It is calling for the government to "put the building blocks of health in place for every child and young person, including access to green space, affordable, healthy food, and quality housing".

"The NHS has invested significantly in services to help people prevent, manage and, in some cases, reverse type 2 diabetes, including specific support for people under the age of 40 - but it is clear that reversing this trend requires concerted action across industry, government and society to tackle obesity."

It has also demanded planned restrictions on junk food advertising be introduced and for further work to expand the sugar tax on soft drinks.

A spokesman for NHS England said: "Obesity leads to a range of serious health conditions including type 2 diabetes, so it's concerning but not surprising that we're seeing an increase in the condition as obesity levels rise."
Words above from article here

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week 2024 (20-26 May 2024) 
More to read about this plus the Diabetes UK report here

diabetes blood sugar test

Diabetes News - Related Posts
'Not All Kids With Type 2 Diabetes have Obesity: What Parents Need to Know' - read it here
Introduction to low-carb for beginners - read it here
How Low Carb Can Help, plus a favourite recipe - read it here

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

Please be aware that this blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Sadly I think that the easy access to quick, easy and unhealthy convenience foods does none of us any favours.

  2. Junk food if often cheaper than nutritious foods.

  3. I am guilty of loving junk foods....but then I love fruits and vegies, too. I think we eat a much bigger portion than we did when I was a kid, also. And as kids, we never sat inside for long. We always had something we wanted to do outside...we played baseball and football, in the summer we played hide and seek after dark, just never sat still. we rode our bikes. And I do not see kids playing outside at all any more.

  4. ...this is a complex issue.

  5. Too much convenience food and too much time spent on computers and phones.


  6. Fast food isn't good for us -Christine

  7. Siempre hay que cuidarse. Te mando un beso.

  8. I've been reading about Ultra-Processed Food and how terrible it is for us. There are so many things that could be prevented by eating simple, home-cooked food.

  9. Es bastante preocupante como está subiendo la diabetes. Besos.

  10. It is a problem that needs urgent support and early recognition amongst the younger generation.

  11. Diabetes UK's report is a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the root causes of rising diabetes cases, particularly among the under-40 population. The link between poor diets, obesity, and type 2 diabetes underscores the importance of prioritizing access to healthy food options and promoting active lifestyles for all. Collaborative efforts across government, industry, and society are essential to combat this growing health crisis. Let's work together to create a healthier future for generations to come.

  12. Everything these days! Incredible...

  13. The thing I have noticed more and more is that people eat all the time. I deplore eating in the street, but so many people do it. It's constant grazing, but we're not cows or sheep.

  14. Obesity is such a problem everywhere, it is no surprise that diabetes is on the rise.

  15. Maybe because there are more Asians in UK now ... Asians usually eat rice regularly, which increases the risk of diabetes

  16. Scary, isn't it! The life-long struggles with diabetes are staggering 😢

  17. Why don't people grow their own fruit and veg anymore? It's so much cheaper and tastier plus there's no waste or food miles. You only harvest what you need for that meal and it changes seasonally.

  18. It's horrifying that so many children are affected, same here! Happy weekend!

  19. Very informative post about the younger generation and diabetes ~ Think isolation of Covid did a number on that age group ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Siempre hay que cuidarse. Te mando un beso

    You always have to take care of yourself. I send you a kiss

    Teresa said...
    Es bastante preocupante como está subiendo la diabetes. Besos

    It's quite worrying how diabetes is going up. Kisses

  21. Great post, with knowledge that everyone needs. Thanks so much.

  22. GMO foods, additives, chemicals, biogenetic ingredients, radiated items, fluoride in the water, petroleum products galore...synthetic this and that. The food we consume, the environmental issues all cause ill effects.

  23. all the foods bad for you are so convenient and cost less, we noticed after trying to eat healthier it has made our grocery bill go up


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