Sunday, 12 May 2024

Start the day with gratitude !

I saw this on Christine's blog
Good words I think !

Wishing all readers a Happy Sunday.
It's also Mothers Day in some countries (not the UK).
If you are celebrating this day, have a happy one.

All the best Jan


  1. Happy Mother's Day Jan! Glad you liked the meme.

  2. That's a good one. Have a happy day!

  3. Start, continue and end the day in gratitude.

  4. So true. Yes, it's odd to me that we don't celebrate Mother's Day at the same time. Do you have Futhers Day in your area?

  5. Buen consejo uno siempre debe agradecer. Te mando un beso.

  6. Thank you for reminding me that

  7. That is definitely the case Jan.

  8. So true! Happy Mother's Day, enjoy your day!

  9. That is the first and most important blessing of every day.

  10. En España se celebra el primer domingo de mayo. Gracias por la felicitación.
    Feliz domingo.

  11. ...and end your day with gratitude.

  12. Yes, gratitude is so important! Valerie

  13. Bom dia e um excelente domingo. Passando para desejar um bom início de semana.

  14. Since the right side of my heart no longer works, I am doubly aware of waking up each morning, regardless of what is happening in the world or my life.

  15. Needed to see this. Thank you

  16. REPLY TO
    The Happy Whisk (Ivy) who said...
    So true. Yes, it's odd to me that we don't celebrate Mother's Day at the same time. Do you have Futhers Day in your area?

    Hello Ivy
    Many thanks for your comment and question.


    It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May.

    The UK date of this celebration is rooted in the Christian observance of Lent, with Mothering Sunday taking place on the fourth Sunday, exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday. This observance originated in the Middle Ages, when children who had left their families to work in domestic service were allowed to go to their home – or “mother” – church.

    The journey home morphed into a spring occasion for families to reunite, which eventually adopted the custom of children picking flowers on the way home as a gift to their mothers.

    Mothers Day in the US began in 1907.

    More to read here


    Countries worldwide celebrate this day on different dates!
    For instance in the UK we celebrate Fathers Day in June, and in 2024 it will be on the 16th
    In Canada it's June.
    In the US it's June.
    In Australia Fathers Day is celebrated in September.
    In Italy it's celebrated in March.

    More to read here's_Day

    There is more to read on both links I have given ...

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  17. Hi Jan! Adorable post. Here in Brazil is Mother's Day and I had a wonderful day with my sons, Mom and my sister. Grateful for it... Father's Day in my country is in August. Blessings dear friend.

  18. Genial meme y si hoy es el día delas madres en mi pais. Espero que hayas tenido un buen domingo Te mando un beso.

  19. Thank you for the reminder of all the small things in life that we should be grateful for each day.


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Buen consejo uno siempre debe agradecer. Te mando un beso

    Good advice, one should always be grateful. I send you a kiss

    VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    En España se celebra el primer domingo de mayo. Gracias por la felicitación.
    Feliz domingo.

    In Spain it is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. Thanks for the congratulations.
    Happy Sunday.

    Luiz Gomes said...
    Bom dia e um excelente domingo. Passando para desejar um bom início de semana.

    Good morning and a great Sunday. Stopping by to wish you a good start to the week.

    J.P. Alexander said...
    Genial meme y si hoy es el día delas madres en mi pais. Espero que hayas tenido un buen domingo Te mando un beso

    Great meme and yes today is Mother's Day in my country. I hope you had a good Sunday I send you a kiss

  21. It is what I do every single morning!! :)

  22. That is the truth and the older I get the more it is appreciated!


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