image from google
The honeysuckle emerges in the spring with fragrant flowers that have four petals and grow in two pairs or clusters. Flowers, which are tubular, range in colour from white and yellow to purple, pink, and red. After the bloom is done, flowers are replaced with round berries that can be orange, red, or a shade of pink. Honeysuckles are native to the Northern Hemisphere, with certain species native to locations in China, Japan, Europe, India, and North America.
Honeysuckle Meanings and Symbolism
The name honeysuckle comes from the Middle English word honeysouke, which translates to “honey suck.” It is believed the name came from the ability to suck the sweet nectar straight from the flowers once picked.
The honeysuckle traditionally symbolized happiness and affection for a new love. It has also been known to represent nostalgia for first loves or old flames.
The honeysuckle traditionally symbolized happiness and affection for a new love. It has also been known to represent nostalgia for first loves or old flames.
Honeysuckles were commonly planted near homes to create a feeling of nostalgia and honour those who had died. They are also meant to bring happiness and positive energy into one’s life. According to other legends, planting a honeysuckle near the home would keep away negativity and protect one from evil spirits.
Honeysuckle in History
- The Druids used symbols of honeysuckle in the Celtic alphabet to represent joy and happiness.
- A small plaque on the Anderson Memorial Bridge, near the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is an ode to William Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury” character Quentin Compson. The plaque reads, “Quentin Compson III/June 2, 1910/Drowned in the odour of honeysuckle.”
- Honeysuckle has been used to treat a number of ailments—digestive disorders, respiratory issues, and headaches. Its uses also include treating arthritis, rashes, skin diseases, and even snakebites.
- In China, honeysuckle has been traditionally thought to remove toxins from the body and promote positive emotions.
The flowers of honeysuckle can be distilled to extract their aromatic oils. These oils are often used in perfumes, soaps, and other beauty products for their sweet and captivating fragrance.
In folklore and mythology, honeysuckle is often associated with love and devotion. It is believed to bring good fortune to those who have it growing in their garden, and its sweet scent is said to attract love and romance.
The dried flowers and leaves of honeysuckle are commonly used to make herbal teas. These teas are not only delicious but also provide a range of potential health benefits.
In folklore and mythology, honeysuckle is often associated with love and devotion. It is believed to bring good fortune to those who have it growing in their garden, and its sweet scent is said to attract love and romance.
The dried flowers and leaves of honeysuckle are commonly used to make herbal teas. These teas are not only delicious but also provide a range of potential health benefits.
xxx oooo xxx
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. You may now like to read this one about 'Some Foods In Season During June' which also has some recipe suggestions - see here
All the best Jan
...honeysuckle can be beautiful and the hummingbird is a delight.
ReplyDeleteI have some of the native red honeysuckle. The hummingbirds love it!
ReplyDeleteGood facts thanks! -Christine
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the information and two wonderful images.
Siempre me ha gustado esa flor. Te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love the smell of honeysuckle? It takes me back to childhood instantly.
ReplyDeleteI learn that rose was june birth flower.
ReplyDeleteWe have planted a honeysuckle and its just in bud, can't wait for that glorious scent, looked back on your previous post and that recipe looked delicious.
ReplyDeleteThat heady smell of honeysuckle is one of my favourite scents. I have a very old honeysuckle that is entwined around a pear tree. Each year I am treated an abundance of flowers. No hummingbirds here to take advantage though.
ReplyDeleteHoneysuckle is such a faithful plant demanding so little attention yet blooms every year.
ReplyDeleteOur honeysuckle is more pastel coloured (and sadly no humming birds). Once it has established itself it is impossible to remove.
ReplyDeleteI would love a honeysuckle plant in our garden as the flowers produce a sweet fragrance. Your images are beautiful and the information interesting.
ReplyDeleteLovely flowers and interesting read Jan.
ReplyDeleteI have always enjoyed sucking the sweet nectar.
ReplyDeleteWasn't honeysuckle grown around privies?
ReplyDeleteLovely images of the honeysuckle.
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying the scent of honeysuckle along our trails here.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.
Another great post, I was once given home made Honeysuckle wine which was delicious.
ReplyDeleteAvril xx
They are beautiful flowers. I am an April baby!
ReplyDeleteHoneysuckle is so heavenly! Beautiful, too!
ReplyDeleteI love the smell but the plant sure can take over an area!!
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. I love honeysuckle and it grows wild all around my neighborhood, but I have never seen it have a berry or turn colors. It is always yellow.
ReplyDeleteBoa tarde e uma excelente terça-feira. Sempre ouvi falar dessas flores, infelizmente nunca vi. Obrigado por dividir conosco essa matéria.
ReplyDeleteThis is such fun. We had a long hedge of honeysuckle in our backyard in Illinois. I loved seeing the flowers in spring.
ReplyDeletei wonder if it's berries are edible as well dear Jan
what a unique looking flower with fragrant wow
loved the look and learning about it was enjoyable as well
lots of love involved in the bloom specially nostalgic amazing
emotions are beauty indeed
hugs and best wishes
Honeysuckle is a favorite fragrance and evokes strong sense memories in me. I love it. Thanks for the facts!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures. Love the smell of honeysuckle. Hummers are hard to photograph but fun to see
ReplyDeleteMe encanta la madreselva, su perfume es de mis favoritos. Besos.
ReplyDeleteLovely photos!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, I enjoy hearing the stories behind these flowers, they are so lovely, I haven't seen too many in person