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Sunday 2 June 2024

Walking in the rain : How rain can make you happier and healthier

Before I start this post, Eddie and I just want to say thank you to all our readers who visit this blog, and a special thank you for all who take time to leave a comment ... you are all appreciated 😊

How rain can make you happier and healthier.

For many of us, apart from a few sunny days recently, it feels like it has not stopped raining for months and months. I wonder if it has it been like that where you live? But did you know that going for a walk on a rainy day can be good for you?

Scientists have discovered that rain can make us happy and improve our mental health. When it rains, molecules are released into the air and some become negatively charged ions. When we inhale them, it is thought they can help to relieve stress and even boost our energy levels.

Why walk in the rain?

Many of us avoid going out when it is raining, but there could be some good scientific reasons why we should change the way we think about a downpour.

Walking in the rain, or after it has been raining, can actually be good for your body and your mind. Some scientists think it is all down to negative ions. These are odourless, invisible molecules which are created in nature near moving water.

As well as rain, they can come from waterfalls, waves in the sea and even morning dew and mist. Dr Niek Buurma, of Cardiff University’s School of Chemistry, said one way they can be formed is by water, such as raindrops, hitting the ground. "When drops of water hit a hard surface, they break up and in that process, the drops of water, the smaller drops of water, pick up a charge," he said.
"That charge, if it's negative, has additional electrons and those additional electrons can be picked up by molecules in the air, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide and that's how the negative ions are formed."

Research is taking place into the effects of negative ions, but it is thought they may boost our mood, relieve stress and give us more energy. "There are quite a lot of scientific studies that suggest that inhaling these negative ions has a positive effect on your health," said Dr Buurma.

"Nobody really knows exactly why that happens. But there are clear indications that people feel more positive after inhaling negative ions. "There are indications from the scientific literature that exposure to negative ions lifts your mood. It can be used to treat a seasonal affective disorder.

"There is a lot more research to be done because nobody understands exactly why it works. But there does seem to be a correlation."

The air is cleaner during rainfall and after it because raindrops wash dirty particles out of the atmosphere. There is also that unmistakeable smell when it rains after a long period of dry weather.

The earthy scent is called petrichor, from the Greek words petra, meaning "stone", and ichor, meaning "the fluid that flows in the veins of the gods".

Petrichor includes a chemical called geosmin, which is made by bacteria in soil. Inhaling it in the air can have a calming effect.

There are many other positive reasons to go out in the rain.

"It doesn’t have to be walking, it can be a bike ride, a run, or even an amble around your local area, you’ve got the sound, the sensation of it hitting your face, it's very relaxing."

"It’s washed away all the allergens and the dust in the air, it's been good for us to breathe. We’ve probably walked a bit faster, so we've probably burnt off a few more calories.

"We’ve engaged our muscles more, because you worry more about slipping on the wet floor."

"It’s the social aspect as well. If you're out in your local community, your local green spaces or maybe a bit further afield, you get the social benefits of seeing other people.

"That's really good to help you connect to the place that you're in, the environment and you get that nature connection as well.

"It’s really important... whether you're 18 months, 18 years old or 80 years old, that you get out into your natural environment."

Words above taken from article here image is from Google.

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

Just a thought ... walking is one of the easiest ways to get active, it’s free and may help you lose weight and feel better. Often overlooked as a form of exercise, when done at a suitable pace and over sufficient distance, walking can help improve stamina and cardiovascular fitness and may even help you live longer.

However, if you are new to exercise, have an underlying medical condition or existing injuries please consult a doctor before embarking on any new exercise programme.

As always many thanks for your visit to this blog and please share your thoughts in the comments below.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...songs have been walking about walking- in the rain!

Mari said...

I did some walking in the rain today, but it wasn't intentional. :)
This makes me think that the next time we have a gentle rain I need to go for a little walk in it. I enjoyed this post!

Elephant's Child said...

And rain-washed air smells wonderful too.

J.P. Alexander said...

Me gusta caminar bajo llovizna pero no cuando llueve fuerte. Te mando un beso.

Divers and Sundry said...

Serendipitously it sprinkled on us during our walk yesterday. Pleasant 👍

Angie's Recipes said...

We walk daily, but I am not a fan of walking in the rain.

Katerinas Blog said...

Thanks for the prompt!
It sure is nice to walk in the rain,
since there are umbrellas we can do it!
In the place where I live (Greece) these days it is sunny!
We had two days of rain last week!!
Have a beautiful month!

Margaret D said...

Used to love walking in the rain.
Good read Jan.

jabblog said...

Walking in the rain is lovely so long aw you wear the right clothes. Negative ions are present when you run the cold tap - that's always delightful.

roentare said...

I wonder if these negative ions in rain are similar to the ones in the forests

Teresa said...

Me encanta caminar cuando llueve, me gusta mucho. Espero que cuando me recupere de mi prótesis de rodilla, pueda caminar mejor. Besos.

Little Wandering Wren said...

It's funny. I always walk in the rain in Asia but try to avoid it in the UK. I think it must be something like trying to avoid catching a cold. How interesting, I can see the health benefits of being out in the rain! Great post!
Wren x

Christine said...


Chris said...

I avoid going out in rain, it makes my old bones ache, even just the hint of rain makes me ache! Although at the moment we need rain as our garden is too dry!

eileeninmd said...

I try to walk every day! But, I do not walk in the rain.
Take care, have a great day and happy week!

Jeanie said...

I'm not a fan of walking in the rain unless it's just a very gentle shower. I can see how it could be both relaxing or harrowing and wet. I suppose it depends on how well you are prepared! (Plus, I get pounded with sinus headaches in the wet and rain. That doesn't help!)

Norma2 said...

Jan I walk in the rain only when it surprises me in my walk. My hair can't stand it... lol!

baili said...

Such a beautiful and impressive read dear Jan ❤
I loved it absolutely as it speak about something I love so much.
I have played in rains while growing up and staying or walking in the rain has been my thing until just few years back till I got joint pain.
Your description of smell is breathtaking 😍
Thanks for lovely pošt
Hugs and blessings

Anonymous said...

It's like grounding with the negative ions. I like to walk barefoot in the grass after a rain. Cautiously of course with my feet.

CJ Kennedy said...

I'll swap walking in the rain for walking along beach at the ocean. Enjoy your weekend

Laura. M said...

Me gusta ver llover, pero no caminar cuando llueve. Mejor caminar sin lluvia.
Gracias por estar.
Buen domingo.
Un abrazo.

Valerie-Jael said...

I love walking in the rain! Hugs!

R's Rue said...

I love it

HappyK said...

I enjoy walking in the rain. I walk every day, rain, sun, clouds, or snow. :)

Lowcarb team member said...


J.P. Alexander said...
Me gusta caminar bajo llovizna pero no cuando llueve fuerte. Te mando un beso.

I like to walk in drizzle but not when it's raining heavily. I send you a kiss.

Teresa said...
Me encanta caminar cuando llueve, me gusta mucho. Espero que cuando me recupere de mi prótesis de rodilla, pueda caminar mejor. Beso

I love walking when it rains, I like it a lot. I hope that when I recover from my prosthetic knee, I will be able to walk better. Kiss

Laura. M said...
Me gusta ver llover, pero no caminar cuando llueve. Mejor caminar sin lluvia.
Gracias por estar.
Buen domingo.
Un abrazo.

I like to watch it rain, but I don't like to walk when it rains. Better to walk without rain.
Thank you for being here.
Have a good Sunday.
A hug.

Susan Kane said...

So true. In college I was typing a term paper. a thunderstorm came up, and my brain went into over drive. did some mighty fine writing.


Thank you for the heartfelt introduction, and kudos to you and Eddie for engaging with your readers so warmly! Your exploration of the benefits of rain is both fascinating and encouraging. Despite the frequent downpours, it's uplifting to learn that walking in the rain can positively impact our mental and physical well-being.

My name is Erika. said...

This is interesting. I'm not going to stay in on rainy days now. I hope June is treating you well so far.

Rose said...

I so believe the benefits of rain....when I worked at the orchard, I loved picking apples in the rain. Believe it or not, it did not happen often, but as long as it wasn't storming bad, I would stay out. I did not have too...could have gone in and worked inside at something. I do get tired of day after day of rain and overcast days, but I do love it as long as I get sunshine regularly.

Lorrie said...

We just returned from a walk in the light rain. I don't mind it at all. Interesting article.

Jules said...

It has many benefits, but I much prefer to walk on sunny days. Xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Now I can blame all this happiness I'm experiencing on negative ions!!

Carla from The River said...

Hi, I walked in the rain this morning. I wear my raincoat and rain hat, things go pretty smoothly for me waking in the rain.

Conniecrafter said...

Yes I am one of those that avoid the rain, I remember as a kid if it wasn't storming but just raining my parents would let us kids go out and play in the rain and they would sit on our porch and make sure there was no lightning coming, if it did we had to come inside, this just brought back great memories of my childhood, funny how it changes when you get older.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I might not be fond of walking in the rain but I do love the smell of the ground and plants after rainfall.