Monday 29 July 2024

Didn't the weekend fly by!

Well, can you believe that the weekend just gone was the last one in July! I really don't know where this year is going to. The grandchildren have already had a week of their summer break from school and as usual been enjoying a variety of activities which although we don't always share in person we get to hear about it ... which is lovely 😊 

It's so often a time for summer BBQ's, our UK weather permitting, and you just can't beat the wonderful aroma of a BBQ can you, interspersed with calls of the burgers are nearly ready make sure the salad is on the table ... goodness I'm getting hungry just writing about it 😉

If you should be looking for low carb/keto burger recipes you'll find a variety on this link here

But now back to today! It's Monday, which starts with a 'M' so let's keep the 'M' theme going and enjoy a Moussaka for dinner, with a nice green salad as a side dish ... sounds good. You can see the recipe instructions here

As regular readers know, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes!

However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic (more about this here) and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Se ve muy rico. Te mando un beso.

  2. ...they say that time flies when we are having fun, we must be having a blast!

  3. Happy Monday! I've never had moussaka, but maybe I need to step out of my comfort zone and try something new!

  4. I actually had bbq today. Nothing beats it. and I agree that time has flown this weekend.

  5. I love, love moussaka. Don't know how to make it.

  6. Time is flying by as you say Jan. Won't be long and out winter should be gone and spring will be here - have daffodils blooming in the garden :)

  7. never mind the weekend, where has 2024 gone? It's August later this week!!! Horrendous!
    I used to love Moussaka when I ate meat. looks delicious

  8. Ooh, I haven't had moussaka for years - sounds good :-)

  9. Yes the weekend (like the year) rocketed past. Sigh.

  10. That looks tempting on a winter night

  11. I'm with you, the weekend went by too fast and this year is going by at light speed also! Dinner looks good!

  12. Yes it is scary. Nearly August. I think this year has been really quick!

  13. The whole month of July has flown by! The moussaka looks delicious. I will bookmark this recipe. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  14. Mousakka and a nice salad sounds perfect. Enjoy your week.

  15. Looks delicious.

  16. Time must be traveling at the speed of light, it goes by so fast that I don't know what day it is. :)

  17. This Summer is just flying by. I love moussaka

  18. Burgers are a favourite for my hubby and son

  19. Really, I didn't realize how July passed!!

  20. It sure did fly by fast, but then again every week flies by!!!

  21. Summer has flown by, as has JUly. I had a lovely weekend too. We had gorgeous weather. and now we'ree back into some rain.

  22. it looks delicious! I love burgers off the grill...probably one of my most favorite meals.

  23. Sí, el tiempo pasa volando. Besos.

  24. It has been so hot lately that we haven't wanted to go out and cook in it, we probably wouldn't have to even light the grill.

  25. That looks delicious! I'm going to check out that recipe.

  26. looks great going to try it


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