Monday, 8 July 2024

Have a look out of the window!

don't know about you but after dinner, both Eddie and I enjoy a quiet sit down, it always seems a lovely time of day. We'd enjoyed a chicken casserole, see here, and I'd put the kettle on for tea / coffee. I went to sit down but this evening I could hear what I thought to be a strange noise! Eddie said, why not look out of the window to see what it is! So I did and this is what greeted me! Yes rain! Who would believe it's July and summer? What's the weather like where you live? 

image from google

All the best Jan


  1. Watching storm and listening to the rain are one of the most pleasurable things to do

  2. it's been so very hot and humid and we had a rain just like that!! but it did not cool thing off!! i love a good rain!!

  3. Right now, it's warm and soupy. Dewpoints are in the tropical oppressive region. I don't mind as Winter lasts 10 months out of the year.

  4. It's warm here on the west coast of Canada today. Summer finally arrived after cool wet days and weeks. I'm not complaining!

  5. Also rain and lots of clouds, with occasional sunshine.

  6. That is a LOT of rain.
    We had drizzle overnight and it is cloudy today. Warmer than usual for the time of the year though. I think it is 8 or 9 nine instead of the negative temperatures we usually have at this time of year.

  7. We're supposed to have rain the next few days. I had a similar experience this morning, it looked nice earlier, then I heard something, looked outside to see it raining!

  8. Our day was sunny, with some clouds, and a nice breeze. I think it may have reached 80F. (26C)

  9. It's either 40ish C weather or flooding here. Mother Nature is off her meds (grin).

  10. Oh my! What a lovely downpour (if you needed it). It's hot here... 33C today (B.C. coast, Canada) and our soil is sandy so it dries out so quickly. We'd love a good rain.

  11. Rain, Rain, Rain! Beryl is causing this in Alabama.

  12. Rain is great for the plants and trees! -Christine

  13. It's quite hot and humid. I feel like I am in the tropics. I'm jealous you have cooler weather. :)

  14. Aca esta templado pero hubo días de lluvia hace una semana. Te mando un beso.

  15. ...a beautiful sight, we could use some rain.

  16. Well we all need rain and certainly we haven't had much down here. Supposed to be raining today but nothing has happened. Being winter it's a dark dreary day but we are ok.

  17. It's raining today, and looking quite mixed for the week ahead. I'm hoping some better weather will coincide with our summer break. Xx

  18. Me encanta ver la lluvia. Por aquí el tiempo está un poco loco, hace unos días llovió con tormentas y bajaron las temperaturas, pronto volverán a subir cerca de 40 grados. Besos.

  19. Much the same as yours and last night was really chilly. It's cool and breezy again this morning. It is July, isn't it?

  20. It is very hot and dry here, we could some of that rain!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  21. It looks just like that here today. Summer? What summer!

  22. It's too hot here, 35 to 37℃. I have been waiting to see raindrops from the window.

  23. Strange weather indeed! It's extremely hot and humid today, and tomorrow it will probably rain again! Hugs!

  24. Summer rain is no new thing for us -- in fact, we had quite the storm yesterday. I was walking home when the sprinkling started and got there in time to bring in the porch cushions before it really started coming down. This past week we've had several days with rain of some sort -- not necessarily all day, but some. At least we don't have to water the plants!

  25. We had a long and heavy rain overnight. It's breezy and overcast today, and I have the house opened up. That's always nice.

  26. I wish we had some of that weather. We've had no rain this month and it's been in the 90s with matching humidity. Send some of that this way!

  27. Here are sub-zero temperatures. The cold is much earlier and snowfall in Patagonia is abundant
    After dinner we watch series or the program we like, coffee and chocolate is our company
    Greetings Jan

  28. The rain has been really heavy up here too and been fairly cold for this time of year too!

  29. I’d love to see that right about now. It’s very hot here in Virginia and we’re in a drought already.

  30. Yesterday in my city there was a storm with a huge downpour. it was hot today.
    Hugs and greetings.

  31. It looks beautiful when the rain patters behind your window... after a few cool days we have beautiful summer weather again. I like it warm in summer. We have enough bad weather, cold and wet in late autumn, often over the winter and in early spring... I look forward to beautiful summer days with sun and blue skies. And when it rains really well every now and then, nature also has its beautiful sides.
    Enjoy the summer and the summer rain :-))


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Aca esta templado pero hubo días de lluvia hace una semana. Te mando un beso

    Here it is temperate but there were rainy days a week ago. I send you a kiss

    Teresa said...
    Me encanta ver la lluvia. Por aquí el tiempo está un poco loco, hace unos días llovió con tormentas y bajaron las temperaturas, pronto volverán a subir cerca de 40 grados. Beso

    I love watching the rain. Here the weather is a bit crazy, a few days ago it rained with storms and temperatures dropped, soon they will rise again about 40 degrees. Kiss

  33. In Vermont, we've had sun and rain. The humidity and heat has been very summery this year.

  34. We are expecting the remnants of hurricane Beryl Wednesday. We'll see what we get!

  35. Believe it or not, that is what it is doing here tonight, and has sprinkled and rained off and on all day...but yesterday when you posted this it was sunny and nice.

  36. I really like the rain lullaby!!
    It's hot here!!
    Unfortunately there is a very high risk of fire!!

  37. We are sunny today but it rained here yesterday all day long from 6 in the morning and it was still raining when I went to bed, luckily it wasn't heavy rain so we didn't have the flooding threat they thought we would.

  38. I have three different websites that I use to track the weather forecasts and it's rare for all three to agree. Looking out of the window over to the West is usually my best bet.


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