Friday 20 September 2024

Apple Crumble : Made the lower carb way !

Autumn is definitely the right season for delicious apple crumble, and I can remember my dear Mum making a wonderful variety of crumbles using fruits appropriate to the season. She made it 'the traditional' way with flour, sugar etc. which if you have a look around the many recipes available on the 'net' you will see the carbohydrate content could be anything from 65g to 90g per serving! Now, if you are diabetic this would have your blood sugars rising, (best avoided!) and if like me you choose to eat the LCHF way and restrict your carb intake a 'traditional' crumble is best avoided!

However, fear not, Apple Crumble - which really is a symbol of great family meals and togetherness - has a lower carb version! Yes fellow low carb blogger Julia McPhee has a 'low carb' version of this family favourite and she says ' No McPhee family gathering is complete (without her version) of Apple Crumble'.

Serves 8
6 (Granny smith) apples, peeled and sliced
50g Butter
1 cup Almond meal
1 tbsp. Natvia (sweetener)
½ cup chopped nuts or Crunchy Grain Free Granola

1. Boil apples until soft in a small amount of water. Place in a baking dish.
2. Place softened butter, almond meal, Natvia, and nuts in bowl and mix together (real crumble requires mixing by hand), until well combined but still crumbly.
3. Spread over cooked apples and bake at 180 for 30 minutes or until crumble is golden brown.
4. Serve warmed with fresh cream or yoghurt.

Note that nutritional information is calculated for 1 serve of crumble and does not include cream or yoghurt.

Serves: 8 Serving size: 1 Fat: 27.3g Carbohydrates: 14.9g Protein: 7.1g

Recipe suggestion from Julia McPhee's blog here
If you need help with measurement and conversion please see here

Read more about almond flour and almond meal here

This blog brings a variety of recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic (more about this here) and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team

All the best Jan

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