Sunday, 6 October 2024

Celebrate Noodles Day !

Did you know that October 6th is known as Noodle Day!?

Noodles can be found all over the world in all shapes, sizes, and colours. They’re most often made from flour but can even be made from beans or vegetables like zucchini (courgettes) or carrots; there are oodles of noodles possibilities! Celebrate today by eating your favourite type of noodles!

 You could try this ...
Veggie Packed - Minestrone Soup
uses zucchini (courgette) noodles
more details here

Dear reader, within this blog you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic (more about this here) and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team

All the best Jan


  1. I'm a fan of minestrone soup! Happy Noodle Day!

  2. ...yes, noodles are universal.

  3. I would not mind some of my homemade noodles and chicken...

  4. Me gustan los fideos. Te mando un beso.

  5. I love to use zucchini noodles in soup! This soup recipe looks really good, healthy, and very tasty. Thanks.

  6. Noodles are a wonderful invention.

  7. No, I didn't know...hope you enjoy it!

  8. Interesting and had no idea today was noodle day, Jan.

  9. I had no idea today was Pasta Day. I love minestrone soup.
    Jan, sending hugs and greetings from rainy Poland.

  10. I must explore noodles - I didn't realise there were so many varieties.

  11. Hello,
    Noodle Day sounds great to me, I love noodles.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  12. I wonder why October 6th is Noodle Day. My favorite is buckwheat noodles. During the long summer, we alternate cold soba, cold udon, and somen served with a dipping sauce, vegetables and a little of protein for lunch.

  13. REPLY TO stardust who as part of her comment said ...
    "I wonder why October 6th is Noodle Day."

    Hello there and many thanks for your comment and question.

    "The Origins of National Noodle, Noodle Day
    Every October 6th, noodle enthusiasts unite to celebrate the glorious existence of National Noodle, Noodle Day. While the exact origins of this delightful day are as mysterious as unravelling a plate of spaghetti, we can attribute its beginnings to the love and appreciation people have for these long strands of goodness.

    Noodles have been a staple in many cultures for centuries, providing sustenance and comfort in various forms. From Italian pasta to Chinese stir-fried noodles, there's a noodle dish for every palate and preference. National Noodle Noodle Day gives us a chance to come together and revel in the diversity of noodle recipes that have made their mark on our taste buds."
    more to read in article here:-

    Wishing you an enjoyable day.

    All the best Jan

  14. I'm ready for some chicken noodle soup!
    Big hug

  15. I love minestrone soup especially if it's home made. Looks a good recipe.

  16. Noodles sound good, we haven't had them in a long time.

  17. That looks delicious. Seems there is a national day for everything! :)

  18. I do like noodles :-D This looks tasty. I do love courgettes :-D

  19. I love noddles, and that soup looks amazing!!!! Happy new week to you.

  20. We all enjoy noodles in this house and your Minestrone soup looks delicious. Have a good week.

  21. Que interesante no sabia que había un día especial de la pasta. Besos.

  22. We have tried the zucchini noodles but that is all, we haven't had flour ones in quite some time, I can't remember how long now.


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