Saturday, 30 November 2024

Christmas Is Coming !

Yes, Christmas is coming and it's definitely starting to look and feel Christmassy! In the UK many cities, towns and villages are busy preparing for Christmas, and the shop windows are looking nice and Christmassy 🎄 🎅 🎄

With the death of my beloved husband Eddie back in August, these past months have not been easy as I adjust to life without him. I am very fortunate to have wonderful family and special friends who have been, and continue to be, very supportive through this time. To my blogland friends I say thank you. We may never meet but over time we do seem to have what I can only describe as a blogland-bond between us. Your thoughts and continued good wishes as we exchange our posts, our thoughts and comments continue to mean a lot to me and are very special. 

So on I go, and I am pleased to say I have started to write my Christmas Cards, and have bought a few gifts ready for wrapping. There is already some 'Christmas' food in the freezer, so I am not doing too badly. How are you doing with your Christmas preparations? Do please share your thoughts in the comments section.

"Firstchristmascard". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Did you know that the custom of sending Christmas cards didn't start until there was a postal service to deliver them! The first were sent in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, boss of the Victoria and Albert Museum. He was far too busy to write letters so had an artist design 1,000 cards, illustrated with a festive family scene on the front and printed with the greeting, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You". Horrified at being caught out, all his friends sent him one back the next year. In 1880 cards had become so popular that the public were warned for the first time to post early for Christmas.

Fast forward to 2024 and we are still being encouraged to post early for Christmas, although postage costs have increased I still think Royal Mail will be busy!

You can read more about the history of Christmas Cards here

Finally, in the midst of all the Christmas preparations, please take time to sit down and enjoy a refreshing cuppa - will it be tea or coffee?

Readers - you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas, within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Coffee, please. ☕️

    I am going to send cards this year. I like to get nice ones. I may order them. Our Hallmark store closed down! Any suggestions?

    1. Hello Sandi
      I tend to get my cards from the various Charity Shops we have here in the UK, indeed many of our supermarkets have them too. There is usually a wide variety to suit all tastes. Hope you will be able to get what you want.

      All the best Jan

  2. I'm glad to hear how you are doing. Eddie would be proud of you for the way you are carrying on, although it's hard.
    I worked on decorating the house today. The tree and decorations are up!
    My shopping is done, but I need to get wrapping. I have my cards but need to write them out. I make a photo book for each of my grandkids each year and it's a year long process, but I always get behind and work like crazy in the beginning of December. That's what I'm doing now. I was up late last night and finished 2 of them!

  3. You are doing well Jan.
    We are putting the tree up this weekend.


  4. Jan I think of you often and am so glad to read you are doing well. I have been updating my Christmas list this afternoon. We will be decorating soon as we usually wait for Thanksgiving to be over before we begin the Christmas festivities. Do take care and know I always enjoy reading your informative posts.

  5. Oh my gosh... I had no idea. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jan.
    Gosh... Christmas.... I don't feel like we've had our Thanksgiving yet because our family get together is next week.
    I send 2/3 of our Christmas newsletters by email these days. :-)

  6. I will start putting up my holiday decoration in December. I enjoy getting Christmas cards.

  7. Glad you are coping in a healthy way Jan.

  8. I had wondered how you were doing...I know it takes time to get used to things. I have barely started on gifts. I do not send as many cards these days...for various reasons.

  9. Used to send a lot of cards, but people have gone, those that are left well most of them don't send cards anymore - such a shame.
    I'll/we'll be putting a tree up this year as most years of late we were away, this year we are home and having family for Christmas dinner.

  10. As a regular reader of my small blog, you will know I have gone from full on Christmas to spending a lonely day at home on my own. I do buy in some special treats and send a handful of cards but that is it.
    I might write my cards, all ten of them, this weekend as the post office is not doing so well on delivering in a timely fashion these days!
    Thinking of you, Debbie

  11. Heartfelt hugs.
    You are doing well. I have done most of my shopping, none of my wrapping or cards and some of my baking.

  12. I enjoyed your post-I have always enjoyed making my cards and sending them off. however so few-of people we know-send cards any more-which is sad as I always enjoyed them. This year I just bought 8 cards from the post office that included matching envelopes and stamps.
    enjoy your Christmas

  13. I am so sorry for your loss Jan hugs

  14. We will be decorating on the 8th December.
    Have a nice weekend!

  15. It's still very early days since the death of your beloved husband and all these 'firsts' must be very hard to navigate. It's a blessing that you have a wonderful family around you to give their support. I think more and more people are putting up their Christmas decorations earlier than they did in the past. Our tree will be going up tomorrow, I'm hoping to get all the decorating done in one go.

  16. I think often of you and admire the way you are coping. Every 'first' after bereavement is hard, I imagine. Family certainly will help, especially the youngest members.

  17. We are always with you. It's getting colder. Stay

  18. It can't be easy to carry on alone, glad you have family and friends who are supportive. I've put up my Christmas tree early this year (2 weekends ago), because we will be celebrating Christmas with lunch at our place for family and friends on the 16th, as on the 20th we will be flying to Qatar to spends Christmas with our daughter and son in law, who have recently moved there. I stopped sending Christmas cards a couple of years ago due to the very high cost of stamps in Australia (usually just send 2 or 3 for those older people who didn't have emails/facebook, etc. I've bought most of the gifts for the kids attending our lunch (we just give to kids), but want to buy something for daughter and son in law and his parents, who are also joining us in Qatar.

  19. Coffee now, tea later!

    I'm really glad that you have a strong support system as you navigate this great loss and your first holiday season without Eddie. I know you have many happy memories and hope they bring you joy.

    I put up the Christmas decorations yesterday. This used to be an all-day job when our daughter was young. Now it's much faster and I have far fewer things, most of which I've made since we arrived in Ireland a decade ago. I donated all of the things I used to have before we left the US. People gave me so much stuff when they found out I liked the festive season. It was overwhelming, to be honest. We ordered our cards from ISPCA this year and they arrived Monday. Christmas lights are up in the town and the lighting is tomorrow evening. Our Christmas is very low key. The thing I like most about Christmas here is the quiet. Businesses close and people pause to enjoy the time. Much nicer than the frantic chaos that I always worked hard to avoid in the US! :-)

  20. I can't imagine your journey sweetheart but I'm SO happy I found you and your blog! Life has SO many twists and turns and it's wonderful to know we have each other, here in blogland...
    Big hug

  21. Happy Advent to you and your family. God bless.

  22. ...Jan, you are important to many people. Enjoy each day that comes your way.

  23. Here in Massachusetts, it seems like Christmas started in August. Well, maybe not that long, but the stores brought out the Christmas stuff before Halloween and Thanksgiving were a twinkle in the eye. That being said, I may put up our small tree on Dec. 1. I usually don't decorate until the middle of the month and leave up until the 12 Days are over. This year, the Young One is visiting, but will be leaving a week from today. I thought maybe a fun activity we could share as she'll be heading back to Christmas with her SO.

  24. Hello,
    Pretty Christmas photo. I usually always send out cards, each year the number of cards I send seem to be going down. I am glad you have family and friends supporting you throughout the holiday. Take care, have a great weekend.

  25. I’m so sorry for your loss, and it’s heartwarming to hear that you have such a supportive circle around you. It sounds like you're making steady progress with your Christmas preparations, and I’m sure your loved ones will appreciate the care you’ve put into it. Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season!

  26. it's starting to look a lot like Christmas...

  27. I'm sure this Christmas is going to be a hard one for you in many ways -- certainly a very different one. You've been in my thoughts as the holidays have approached. I'm glad to know that you will be surrounded by family members and friends who wrap their love around you. Remember, it's OK to be sad, and it's OK to be happy, too. OK to celebrate. OK to pause and remember -- lighting a candle, sharing favorite memories of Eddie, buying a special ornament for your tree that reflects your lives together or your love.

    My holiday preparations are slow this year but the day will come whether I am done or not! So, one day at a time, right? Then the next. Biggest hugs.

  28. Si ya estamos en diciembre. Espero que todo vaya bien. Te mando un beso.

  29. i have thought about you jan and how difficult these holidays are going to be...i think they will always be difficult without your eddie. remember all those happy times you've shared...some people never find their special person!! it's wonderful to hear that you have good friends and family!!

  30. I still send out cards but not as many as I once did.
    Good you have family and friends to help you through this time of year.

  31. That's amazing that it was back in the late 1800's when the post office had to mention posting early for Christmas. WE dug out Christmas decoration boxes out of the attic today and went and cut a Christmas tree Now to get things put out. Thanks for fun post.

  32. Once upon a time I went all out for Christmas, but as the years have gone by I take it easy and lie low. And that won't be changing for me this year. Just me and me...quiet...and that is how I like it now. :)

  33. Dear Jan, although we grieve, time marches on eh? I truly wish you a Happy Christmas surrounded by friends and family. I'm sure a few glasses will be raised to Eddie. xx

  34. I was thinking of you, knowing Christmas was fast approaching, and it would be your first one without your husband. I'm glad you have people who love you, to help you at this time of year.

  35. It's been in the shops since October up here! Sure coming fast now!

  36. I am so very happy to hear that you have a supported group of family and friends that are there for you during this most difficult time, I am also glad that you are feeling like you can do some shopping and prep for Christmas. I pray God grant you peace and comfort aa you go through the holidays.
    I did hurt my back so I still have my Autumn decorations up, and am behind on some of my housework, but hope to get a bit of decorating done this week, we have some presents bought but still have a few to get. Cards are made but I need to put a sentiment inside of them all now and address envelopes.

  37. Eddie will be missed for his humorous posts as well dear Jan!!!!!!!
    this makes my heart at peace that you have got so many loved ones to share your feeling and time !

    how nice you are writing Christmas cards for family already :)
    thinking of you my friend with heart full of best wishes!

  38. My thanks to you all for your lovely comments.

    All the best Jan

  39. Por aquí ya están puestas las luces navideñas, se ven muy bonitas. Feliz diciembre.


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