Wednesday, 1 January 2025

It's the 1st of January 2025

~ Hello January 2025 ~
~ Happy New Year Wishes ~

In previous years regular readers will know I usually start each month with facts about the coming month ahead. This year however, a break with tradition, which I hope you will enjoy. The first of each month will feature a lower carb recipe starting with the first letter of that particular month ... so here we go as it's January!

J is for ? can you guess ? It's tasty and comes in many flavours, but strawberry is the most popular one in both the UK and the US, and perhaps where you live too.

Yes, I am talking about Jam !

Spread on toast, swirled into yogurt, filling delectable pastries, sponges, cookies or biscuits. Jam adds a natural fruity sweetness to so many meals and snacks.

Of course if you are diabetic (or pre-diabetic) sugary jam is not ideal, nor is toast which often uses a higher carb bread, both of these can raise blood sugar levels which is best avoided. However, fear not, there are many lower carb recipes to choose from that do not raise blood sugar to unwanted levels. You can find some within this blog or on the wider worldwide web! 

Lower Carb Jam
All you need is quality fruit, which you simmer gently until enough liquid has evaporated. Then you add a bit of extra sweetness such as erythritol, stevia or Swerve (if necessary) and a little bit of thickener such as chia seeds, gelatine or xanthan gum (if necessary). That's it!

Here is What You Need
400 g / 14 oz strawberries, diced *
2 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon chia seeds ground
1 teaspoon lemon juice optional
1 tablespoon powdered sweetener optional

* 400g (14.2oz) of strawberries made 200g (6.7oz / scant cup - a scant cup is usually two tablespoons less than a full cup) of jam.

This is What You Do
1. Chop the strawberries and place them in a saucepan together with the water.
2. Bring to the boil (lid on), then turn down the heat medium and let it bubble away for 15 minutes. Only add the lemon juice if you want to store the jam for longer than 1 week - it prevents the growth of bacteria.
3. Mash the strawberries with a potato masher (or with a fork), then continue to cook on low-medium for another 30 minutes until reduced by half. You want it to bubble peacefully. Bubbles will become smaller as the liquid evaporates. Stir regularly with a spatula to prevent the jam from burning. Towards the end of cooking, stir constantly.
4. Taste. If necessary, sweeten with 1 tablespoon of powdered sweetener for example erythritol.
5. Add the ground chia seeds and stir. Cool and fill into a sterilised jar. Store in the fridge.
The above and lots more to read here
Some lower carb bread suggestions can be seen here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Thanks for this recipe -Christine

  2. I wondered how to make jam that was better for you. I’ll try this recipe. Thank you

  3. A delicious way to start the new year!

  4. Happy New Year, Jan. I like your new tradition of using the first letter in the month to share a recipe. This looks yummy.

  5. Happy New Year!
    from Salty Pumpkin

  6. I love jam. At one time I used to grow all my own fruit just for making jam to get us through the winter. I grew blackberries. raspberries and apples. I would freeze the fruits during the summer months as I was picking them then, during October, I would start making up all the jars of jewel coloured jams. I would put up somewhere between 20 and 30 jars, often, more. Most would be used to keep us in jam through the winter months. But many found their way into Christmas hampers and small. thank you gifts at Christmas. At the end of jam making all the left over small quantities were put into possibly my most favourite variety of all. Jumbleberry Jam.
    If my health had not failed, I would probably still be growing and making my own jams.
    Here's to a Happier Healthier 2025.

  7. We are not really into jam...but do enjoy some fresh homemade low carb varieties.

  8. That lower carb jam looks delicious.
    Happy New Year Jan. I hope yours is packed with good things.

  9. Happy new year everyone!
    Very nice selection of jam recipe for the first day of the year.
    I love strawberries in all their versions!!
    The New Year May it be a year with more creativity,
    mindfulness and more reading.
    A year of Health, Peace, Love and Joy!

  10. Bellissima questa idea di fare una ricetta a inizio mese con l' iniziale del mese stesso.
    Grazie infinite per la ricetta della marmellata, io la adoro.
    Buon 2025!!!

  11. Dear Jan!
    Hope you have a great New Year 2025. May all your dreams come true!

  12. Happy New Year Jan and thank you for your patience and hard work keeping this Blog going.

    God bless.

  13. Hello Jan,
    The strawberry jam looks yummy.
    Happy New Year, I wish you and yours all the best in 2025!

  14. I love making and enjoying my own jam. And I love giving it away to loved ones around me...
    may you have a happy, healthy 2025.
    I'm looking forward to a new blogging year with you. I really enjoy reading your posts.
    Hugs from Viola

  15. It's looking delicious. Happy New Year. Greets Caroline

  16. Ooh, I love jam, but rarely eat it! I finished the cranberry sauce on toast yesterday!

  17. Happy Ne Year Jan :)
    I wish that I could indulge Jan, but I have high colostral, (just did a blood test )and am having another colonoscopy exam next week so no food especially no sugar, and of course I have to cut out all cakes biscuits and chocolate, anything which contains sugar to lower the bad colostral. I indulged at Christmas though. :)
    Best wishes

  18. Oh this is a fun new way to to start each month. And I love jam, especially some that's low sugar and a little runny. Thanks for the recipe. And I want to wish you a happy, healthy and wonderful 2025.

  19. mmm, sounds delicious, thank you. I hope you have a happy new year!

  20. ...have a sweet new year, but hold the sugar.

  21. A very Happy New Year to you Jan! I happen to love jam so this is great to have a recipe for diabetics.

  22. Dear Jan, It was a pleasure following The Low Carb Diabetic in 2024. Looking forward to another in 2025. Happy New Year to you! John

  23. What a fun topic for the start of each month

  24. A sweet start for a New year, Jan, and wishing you all the best that 2025 has to offer for everyone.

  25. that sounds really good! One can always go with low carb jam!

  26. I love jam. But I hardly eat it now that I've had to cut back on bread. Xx

  27. All the best Jan. I do like a nice jam :-D

  28. I like butter and raspberry jam on my English muffins. :)

  29. Happy that you stopped by my blog which brought me to see what you have to share with us. I am jumping on board with all your other followers! I have a feeling I will be learning lots from you!

  30. Ha ha, I thought you were going to do Jello, I guessed wrong, LOL! My hubby actually found a strawberry sugar free jam that he has and he says it is really good.

  31. This will be fun Jan, thank you! :-)

  32. Happy New Year Jan! I love a good homemade jam, looks delicious!

  33. Muy buena receta. TambiƩn suelo hacer mis mermeladas. Un abrazo.

  34. A brilliant idea with the recipes to match the first letter of the month. I've only tried making jam once before and you have made me think about making it again. Thank you for the jam nudge.


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The best of health to you and yours.
