Friday, 21 February 2025

Fish ... is it in your menu plans ?

Fish is among the healthiest foods on the planet. It is loaded with important nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D. Fish is also the world’s best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incredibly important for your body and brain. Fish is delicious and easy to prepare, for this reason, it should be relatively easy to incorporate it into the diet. Eating fish 1-2 times per week is considered sufficient to reap the benefits. If possible, choose wild-caught fish over farmed. Wild fish tends to have more omega-3's and is less likely to be contaminated with harmful pollutants. That being said, even if eating farmed fish, the benefits still far outweigh the risks. All types of fish are good for you. Do you include fish in your menu plans?

Searching for some fish recipe ideas?
Here are three you may like to try

Individual Fish Pies - Low Carb, Dairy Free and Tasty
this recipe uses coconut milk and coconut butter
a dairy-free alternative
more details here

Thai Fish Parcels
Simply wrap cod, spinach and peppers in baking paper
with a drizzle of fragrant ginger and lime dressing and bake in the oven
more details here

Red Peppers Stuffed With Cod and Tomatoes
consider using haddock or pollock if preferred
more details here

If you are not a fish lover how about this recipe suggestion
Rustic Ratatouille, so tasty and so colourful, more details here

This blog contains a variety of recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. We are not big fish eaters, but I know I should make it more. We do eat tuna.. The Rustic Ratatouille sounds really good though!

  2. Love fish and this looks delish x

  3. Gracias por las recetas de pescado. Te mando un beso.

  4. You have inspired me to do more fish -Christine

  5. I like fish a lot. Funny in the winter time I don't crave it the same way I do in the warm weather. Unless you add it to soup or make a chowder. Have a wonderful FRiday Jan.

  6. I was going to have some fish for my lunch today, but I had a delicious meat pie, instead. Maybe tomorrow! :)

  7. is a rare dish for us.

  8. Used to eat fish daily, but here we can just get the farm raised one, so I cut down to once in a few months...

  9. Of course the fish will turn out great this way,
    but also stuffed peppers and ratatouille
    are fantastic and extremely nutritious foods!

  10. Love fish and eat it at least once a week these days.

  11. I sadly have a very hard time eating fish, it´s my Dad´s genes. I supplement with omega 3... My Mom made fish-patties that were really yummy, but she never shared the recipe...

  12. I always love sea fish but not fresh fish

  13. The fish pie recipe looks delicious. I always say that i should try to eat more fish, and yet I never do. Thanks for this reminder. X

  14. I know fish is supposed to be good for you but living in Georgia, our fish is not the best. Fresh is best, I think! One of the things I love about England is the fish!

  15. Yes, we plan on salmon for dinner soon.
    The stuffed peppers look delicious.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  16. I used to eat fish before I was a veggie. I am trying to get my daughter to eat fish but she isn't keen!

  17. Once Lent starts the local Knights of Columbus serves fish and chips from a food truck at the local Catholic church as a fund raiser. We always look forward to delicious food and a good cause. Probably not the healthiest way to eat fish, but oh, soooo good!

  18. Dear Jan!
    You always have delicious things. They literally make my mouth water when I look at them.
    Have a nice weekend:)

  19. I eat a lot of fish because I live right by the sea, and it's always freshly caught. Great post from you!
    hugs Elke

  20. Yes, fish at least twice a week, although it is not easy to buy non-farmed fish.

  21. I used to eat a LOT of fish, especially salmon until it cost so much I could no longer afford it. Now I stick with albacore tuna in a can (no oil).

  22. Jan, I so appreciate the recipes that you share here. I've copied three of these and look forward to getting some of the ingredients that I need in order to make them. I am wondering if with the Rustic Ratatouille if it could be made without the fennel bulb. It's so hard to find fennel (which I love) in our area.

  23. We eat fish a couple of times a week.

  24. REPLY TO
    Dianna who said...
    Jan, I so appreciate the recipes that you share here. I've copied three of these and look forward to getting some of the ingredients that I need in order to make them. I am wondering if with the Rustic Ratatouille if it could be made without the fennel bulb. It's so hard to find fennel (which I love) in our area

    Hello Dianna
    Many thanks for your comment and question.
    Firstly I am pleased you are finding the recipe suggestions helpful, I hope you enjoy them as you give them a try.

    Secondly ... regarding fennel. This can be left out of the recipe, I don't always use it if I don't have one to hand. Alternative choices could be Bok choy or leek, not quite the same but still nice ... or just leave it out altogether.

    Whatever, you decide ... enjoy :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much, Jan, for answering my question. I actually still have some leeks in the freezer, I *think". I will double check and if I do, then I'll give that a try. I just finished going over the recipes that I copied the other day and added the ingredients I need to purchase to my grocery list. I'll let you know how things go! :) Thanks again!

  25. I like fish but just don't like to make it.

  26. I love fish especially salmon.

  27. I am not a fish fan myself but hubby does eat it!

  28. We enjoy fish and chicken more than beef or other meats, and salmon, scallops and shrimp are all favorites here.

  29. I love fish but never seem to cook it well, apart from salmon which has become a staple for me. Maybe one of these recipes will change my track record!

  30. Those fish pies look delicious, Jan. I'm looking at meals for the week and seeing if we can add some kind of fish to the shopping list.

  31. It’s hard to get really fresh fish around here. I can find it frozen and tightly wrapped up in plastic, but I don’t like it that way. I do eat seafood, though, especially shrimp.

  32. Me gusta el pescado lo prefiero a la carne. Besos.


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