Tuesday, 22 March 2011

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

If you had believed the resident dietitian and the lowcarb antis, you may have come to the conclusion, a lowcarber had the life expectancy of a kamikaze pilot. Even if you survived the first six months, you would become riddled with osteoporosis and scurvy. Kidney failure was a certainty. When that did not have us running back to the starch laden junk, we were told our brains would turn to mush, and cognitive disorders were on the way, turning us into gibbering baboons. Mood swings, so bad from lack of serotonin, would turn us into crazed axe murderers. In short, we were all doomed.
Well, our rib cages have not turned to dust, nor our spines collapsed, we are not getting around on Zimmer frames. The much threatened scurvy has yet to manifest itself, nothing has fell off. Some of our team are coming up to three years as diabetics, and well over two and a half years as lowcarbers, we are all doing well. Non diabetic BG numbers, lipids of kids, and reduced weight, we are still alive and kicking.

Other than insulin, nothing comes close to reversing the symptoms of type two diabetes like a low carb diet and regular exercise ! If you believe drugs are the answer, then you are already on too many drugs. Don’t become a victim of the junk food and pharmaceutical industries. They are only interested in your money. Sure they know there is no money in dead people, the trick is to keep you alive, well, sort of midway between really living and dying, how many drugs really cure people of anything ?



  1. Eddie are you referring to Ally the retarded dietician on d.co.uk. What a nutter and no nothing retard. Mind you she is helping big pharma and the junk food industries. With the NHS cutbacks her days must be numbered. Dieticians have done far more harm than good let them get a proper job in Tescos on the check outs.

  2. I think that comment was a bit uncalled for, what have you got against shop workers LOL



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The best of health to you and yours.
