Saturday, 12 March 2011

The lowest common denominator !

Meanwhile over on the forum of flog ! aka

Newbie’s are still being greeted with this copy and paste job.

“The latest 2010 NICE guidelines for Bg levels are as follows:

Fasting (waking and before meals).......between 4 - 7 mmol/l...(Type 1 & 2)
2 hrs after more than 8.5 mmol/l.....( Type 2)

2hrs after meals......................... no more than 9 mmol/l ......(Type 1)

If you are able to keep the post meal numbers lower, so much the better.”

What in control diabetic wants to see those sort of numbers on their BG meter. The forum has become another misinformation outlet, and old Ken is pushing the misinformation for all he is worth. He states he was in the dark and out of control for over ten years, why is he trying to get all newbie’s in the same state as him ?

Go for non diabetic BG numbers, that's in the fours, fives and sixes, it can be done, many have proved this ! Why settle for highly dangerous BG numbers that have been proved to cause diabetic complications.

1 comment:

  1. Ken does not allow anyone to challenge his beloved Nice guidelines even though the 2 hour post meal 8.5 mmol/L can be associated with diabetic complications.
    The forum is a recipe for disaster for the Type 2 diabetic hoping to keep medications to a minimum, his rants about Hypo's has members running scared of keeping good control. Fours the floor may be OK for Type 1s but for those Type 2s on diet only or using metformin, it's crazy to be advising the use of glucotabs.


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