Tuesday 3 May 2011

About 50% of all heart disease patients have had normal or low cholesterol.

Filmmaker Tom Naughton went on a very high fat diet, eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, hamburgers for lunch, steak with green vegetables smothered in butter for dinner, berries soaked in heavy whipping cream for dessert, and as a snack cheese fried in coconut oil. He consumed absolutely no vegetable oils, few carbohydrates, and nothing without saturated fat in it for a month straight. His total cholesterol dropped from 222 to 209 while his HDL shot up from 49 to 64.

Also, vegetarian writer Jane Brody once had "high" cholesterol, and went on a low fat diet to fix it. Her cholesterol went up until she had to resort to taking a cholesterol-lowering drug.

But despite that, studies show that what really causes heart disease is NOT saturated fat or cholesterol, but rather inflammation. Inflammation in the arteries occurs, and then cholesterol comes in to REPAIR it. The problem is when inflammation keeps occurring. Then oxidization of the cholesterol happens, a plaque builds, and then there's heart disease. About 50% of all heart disease patients have had normal or low cholesterol.



  1. It makes perfect sense to me to start the day with what is generally known as a 'fry up'. You can't beat bacon, eggs, mushrooms. My father (now 86)has always started his day with this breakfast. He eats well meat or fish with about four different vegetables. Keeps sweet things to an absolute minimum, enjoying fresh fruit with double cream. Excercise also plays an important role and twice a day he enjoys a short walk, preferring the feet to the car when he goes shopping. I can remember my grandmother eating beef dripping (now thats a thing from way back) She was 99yr when she died. The older generation certainly seemed to know about good eating habits.

  2. My god what a load of crap, you people must be mad. a short walk after eating that lot of course being over weight is bad for you, of course to much fat is bad for you, it's all about eating healthy and not stuffing your self with egg and bacon hold on I've seen this before somewhere.


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