Monday 9 May 2011

Comments on the comments part 2

I have received many comments over the last three days. Some have been commented upon, some I am giving some thought to before answering, all have been stored. One of the more accomplished comments received today.

Edie you really are anal.
It is a well known FACT that FATS have a hideous impact on blood sugars.
Perhaps you need to do some research Edie with the real people i.e., people that use insulin and who also test their blood sugars over a 24 hour period.
Eating fatty foods quite often requires double insulin. This is not an individual thing either. It is FACT. The effect is not noticed 1 hour or 2 hours after eating it is felt 6 hours and more after the meal is consumed.
FACT your dietary advice is CRAP. As you are Anal it's hardly surprising though is it?"


My dear Nigel aka Noblehead I presume. I appreciate you do not have a clue regarding good diabetes control. In fact after many years of diabetes, you admitted you did not know the basics on insulin use and storage. I am referring to your post on Kens Kingdom.

“Re: storage and use of insilin
by noblehead » October 16th, 2009, 2:52 pm


That's interesting, I did not know that the pen currently used can be
stored at room teperature. I also didn't know that low temperature
slows the action of insulins. I have always kept my novorapid pen in
the fridge, and only taking out when injecting. I think from now on I
will keep it at room temperature.


Nigel A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials.

Chinese proverb"

For your benefit I will repeat, dietary fat has no influence on blood glucose or insulin requirements. Zero, zilch, none whatsoever, never has, never will have, is it sinking in? I have placed a link to a very easily understood article. I have others of a far more technical nature. When you can get a grip on the basics, I will email them to you. I think you are getting confused with the fact, fats when consumed with the carb level you have stated you use, can certainly prolong the time taken for BG spikes to manifest themselves. Don’t worry you are not alone. Hence our numerous comments on BG numbers, spouted by the forum of flog monitors in their cut and paste jobs to newbie’s re. BG numbers.



  1. That rant was a real gem from Nigel, talk about shooting your self in the foot!!!!


  2. Come on Eddie, I've seen replies from Kno... oops Noblehead where he has said I didn't read the article.

    There's none so blind...



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The best of health to you and yours.
