Wednesday 18 May 2011

It’s All About Politics !

Around a month or so ago while reading a post on a diabetes forum, someone referred to a political situation. I can’t remember what the post was about, but another member stated. This is a diabetes forum we don’t want politics on here ! Well I believe everything is about politics especially our NHS and big pharma and especially the food we eat.

Governments have to control the people, they have to govern and if they don’t it’s anarchy and civil war as we are seeing all over the world at the present time. So how do you control the masses ? Well it seems to me it’s a carrot or stick situation, or maybe a bit of both. In some countries any dissent leads to imprisonment, torture and an unmarked grave. Some countries strike some sort of balance between a very harsh police force and some sort of limited freedom and other countries use the big carrot.

In the UK and countries like the USA the big carrot falls between a science and an art form. You promise the people the earth, the people appear to be doing very well and some do very very well. The next stage is employ millions of people ( government workers) to take it all back in the form of taxes. You also set up a financial system that cannot fail to relieve the workers of more of their hard earned. If the banking system fails, no problem, give the bill to the same workers, pay yourself a million pound bonus and go down the pub.

What we are talking about here is a lifetime of financial enslavement, for many from the cradle to the grave. Just look at the situation for our University students. A fairly standard teaching degree with a masters is a five year course. The basic fees will run to £45,000 for the average student add to those fees travel, accommodation, food, clothing and books etc. and £100,000 may well be the sort of debt the average graduate could be starting their working life with. A slave to debt from the very start of their working lives.

OK what’s food got to do with all this you may be thinking. Nothing upsets the apple cart more than millions of people starving. During the great depression long lines of starving workers queuing at soup kitchens was a feature in every city. When a man is watching his family starve and is desperate, you cannot control him, if he cannot get or pay for food he will take it. From there it is a quick route to anarchy. The really bright people realised decades ago food for the masses had to be cheap and easily mass produced in massive factories. From that realisation we ended up with the so called food pyramid. The base being made up with junk and the good stuff at the top. Forty years on the ordinary man is still paying the price with his health, the junk food mobs are cleaning up and big pharma have never had it so good. It has been said highly elevated blood glucose effects every tissue in our bodies, I believe the same can be said for politics.


1 comment:

  1. Eddie this is a great post. When are people going to wake up to the facts.


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