Monday 16 May 2011

Meet Jimmy Moore.

Part of Jimmy’s story, check out his blog and the full story !

“It should come as no surprise to anyone that I gained all of that weight back from my low-fat diet experience and then some until I made my way up above 400 pounds towards the end of 2003. My wife Christine was so worried about my health and with good reason. Although I didn’t suffer any major health problems at the time, I was on prescription medications for cholesterol, blood pressure and breathing issues. Then, a series of events in the Fall 2003 led me yet again to give a serious look at losing weight again. But I didn’t want to feel like I did in 1999 with all the hunger and frustration that miserable low-fat diet gave me. So I turned to a sound and proven nutritional plan that would be satisfying and sustainable for helping me lose weight and keep it off for the rest of my life as I pursued a permanent and health lifestyle change. That’s when I decided to begin the Atkins diet.

By the end of the first month after beginning my New Year’s resolution to lose weight in January 2004, I had shed a total of 30 pounds. HOLY COW!!! At the end of the second month, another 40 pounds were gone and by the time I had been on Atkins for 100 days, over 100 pounds were gone forever from my body. Words simply cannot describe how I felt going through this incredible journey and I will never be the same again. Although it wasn’t an easy road by any stretch of the imagination, I am so thankful I found the healthy low-carb lifestyle because I went on to lose a total of 180 pounds that year. More importantly than my weight loss, though, is the fact that low-carb living gave me my health back. All of those prescriptions I was taking for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and breathing problems were all history within nine months of being on the Atkins diet. And to this day, I have yet to take another medication for any health ailment. WOO HOO! Who says your health doesn’t improve on the low-carb lifestyle?”



  1. Lowcarb warrior princess17 May 2011 at 07:57

    Lowcarb rests its case.......

  2. Go go go for low carb !

    Mary P

  3. You know low carb makes sense.

    Go for it man and keep on going....


  4. Low carb is the only way

    It certainly seems to be gaining moore and moore publicity !

    Sorry couldn't resist it



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