Thursday 26 May 2011

Twenty-four hours.

Well what an eventful twenty-four hours to be sure. But as they say, you can’t make a good omelette without breaking a few eggs. Hopefully will return to the good days when people like Ferg, Dennis, Timo, Dr. Katharine and so many highly knowledgeable and experienced people posted on a daily basis. Back to the days when banning, deletion of members posts and a small bunch of moderator cohorts did not ridicule, and railroad anyone off the forum with a different point of view from the dietary misinformation that has lead to the early death of countless diabetics.

I was expecting flack and I am sure more is to come. How predictable was the vulture pack eh ? The resident dietition, the cherub, phoenix, Sid bonkers and Noblehead a few more and we will have a full pack. Do these people think I will buckle under the weight of their half truths and lies. An example from phoenix when she quoted.

“This is what the owner of the low carb diabetes forum, not this one, one specifically set up to support people who adopt a low carb diet for diabetes when he eventually banned Eddie.”
"It seems to me that you want me to ban you and seem to have been pushing for that for a while now. I will reluctantly give in. I say reluctantly as it will only serve to reinforce your delusion as some sort of revolutionary. It pains me, but I really do not want to be associated with you or your vitriol anymore. I am sure you will be over the moon about this as it will give you plenty of material for your new blog. You can play martyr all over again. Good luck with it all!"

What she left out was the same person also said.
“I know things have reached a disappointing point but we should remember Eddie has helped an awful lot of people out there and for that he deserves all the credit in the world. He has given vast amounts of his time in order to help people in the best way he feels he can."

In the last three years I have asked countless times, how do we non insulin using diabetics hold non diabetic HbA1c numbers, control our weight, improve our lipids and improve every measurable indictor for the benefit of our health, with minimal or no meds without low carbing ? To this day I await an answer. There is no answer of course and there never will be. Others try to tell us it can be done with a low GI diet, or low fat or control of portion sizes, even  going down to 1000 calories a day. For most people it’s low carb or meds and we have seen some real horror stories regarding multi drug regimes being used to force down high BG numbers need I say more ?

Low carb is so simple and so effective even a five year old child could understand it. Imagine saying to a child if I gave you food that made you ill, would you take the same food from me again ? No chance. Well us low carbers have dumped the food that lead to our diabetes, we are not going to use a multi meds regime to consume food that lead to chronic disease. How others chose to control or in the majority of cases, fail to control their diabetes must be their personal decision.

NHS Statistics for 2008 2009:
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 71.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 33.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 33.6 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 14.3 per cent.
These results are very similar to those found in 2006 – 2007 and 2007 – 2008.



  1. beautiful bernard26 May 2011 at 23:30

    I still can't quite believe that Ken's reign of terror is over.

  2. Well, Der Fuhrer has been unseated but we have to hope his Brownshirts are kept under control!

    Seriously, I really do hope some semblance of sanity can prevail and "High Fat" can be mentioned without the poster feeling they're sitting on an Icelandic volcano.

    It would be so nice to see a good forum emerge.



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The best of health to you and yours.
