Thursday 26 May 2011

As usual the vulture pack miss the big issue !

While the vulture pack are indulging in let’s kick Eddie Mitchell to death surprise surprise, they are missing the big issue. But let’s face it when did these full time chumps ever understand anything !

Over the Easter weekend a highly respected and extremely knowledgeable man joined the forum. The man, Dr.Jay Wortman, not only a Doctor but also a type two diabetic. Now, Doctors on a diabetes forum are very rare, especially a Doctor who is prepared to stick his head above the parapet. You would expect any forum to welcome a man such as Jay with open arms and make use of his vast knowledge and experience, not at Almost immediately he was attacked and ridiculed by the usual suspects. The end result was his banning, being labelled a troll and his valuable posts were deleted.

That’s the issue folks ! Lets not let anyone be dazzled by the usual vulture pack smoke screen and mirrors job. The forum had become a place where the lunatics had taken over the asylum, let’s hope it can return to the great place it used to be.

Thank you to all the people that have stuck by me over the years, and for the very special support over the last twenty-four hours. A very special thank you to Jimmy Moore and Doctor Jay Wortman.



  1. Lowcarb warrior princess26 May 2011 at 10:12

    It is tragic that at DUCK, for some it is about egos rather than knowledge and support. It is sad when people are ridiculed for stating the blindingly obvious, carbs and diabetes do not go well together! I am aware that insulin users can cover carbs but the greater the carbs consumed, the more difficult it is to keep bgs stable at good numbers, for those who are not on medication it is easier to maintain good numbers by restricting carb consumption, they may then avoid medication and the potential glycaemic roller coaster for many years. Many medications have nasty side effects and are questionable with regard to safely stabilising blood glucose.
    For those on hypo inducing medication, in particular insulin users, who obviously worry about restricting cars drastically, look at the example of Fergus Craig and also enlightened Drs such as Katharine Morrison who has a type 1 lowcarb son, and eats lowcarb herself for health reasons. Some scoff at Bernstein, but he is still helping diabetics, having come back from the brink due to poorly controlled diabetes many years ago. I know who I would rather place my money on.
    Well done Eddie, keep on fighting the good fight!

  2. If it wasn't so serious in terms of confusion for the newly diagnosed, it would be comical to see the antics of the Jihadists on!

    If there was a scrap of integrity left - and we all know isn't - they would have the guts to republish Doctor Jay Wortman' deleted posts.

    It defeats me that the egos of these jumped up little twerps leads them to believe they are somehow superior to the good Doctor.

    So far as the "I am a Dietitian by the way" that's bandied around. It was a dietitian that told me to eat tons pf carbs with every meal and sent my BG into orbit. By ignoring the party line and following those such as Eddie, Fergus et al, I have got my BG to below 5 lowered cholesterol and blood pressure and found a resurgence of energy.

    All this with low carbing <15gms per day and liberal saturated fat intake to supply my energy needs.

    This is why I feel passionate about low carbing - the bad advice over there risks killing people or at least causing loss of sight, limbs etc.


  3. Certainly rattled a few csges in the good old forum.
    Fact is that they are lulling diabetics into a wrong sort of sense of security, making them think that their higher bg numbers are fine.
    Why is it that they are pushing medication, Victoza, Byetta, etc with all the nasty side effects and risks that come with them? Have we not had Avandia on the market, oh yes, its safe to take, loads of research gone into this its being withdrawn as it turned out it wasnt so safe after all?
    Good, oldfashioned, proper low carb eating has been around since the year dot, bread must surely have been low carb even in biblical times, certainly no wheat around in those days!
    What people dont seem to realise or refuse to accept is that diabetes is relentless, there is no leeway, complications will happen, its no good sitting there bemoaning your amputation stump saying 'but I did keep my numbers in the 7s' - it hasnt worked.
    Eddie et al, fight the good fight, dont let a few ignorant people deter you. Let common sense prevail.
    Thanks again.

  4. It seems they're getting desperate for support now. A new, one post, member calling herself "HappyCrack" having many years experience of "fora" has launched into an attack on Eddie and his "cronies".

    The truly laughable thing is at the end:

    "...special thanks to Sid Bonkers, Catherinecherub, Cugila, noblehead, ally5555, you are good people.

    Just let her suggest a high fat diet and see how that goes down with these paragons of free speech!


  5. Eddie,

    I don't get enough online time to fight the fight with two toddlers to look after. I've taken the time out to come and give you a big CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are fighting the fight! I see that you and Dr. Jay are both mentioned on Jimmy Moore's LLVLC blog. I've picked the tweet of his blog post up and as I still have an active membership at duck, then I think it's about time that I started posting and fighting the fight too :-)



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The best of health to you and yours.
