Wednesday 25 May 2011

Jimmy Moore talks to Eddie Mitchell about


  1. Some you win some you lose ...... Lo Carb diabetes seems to have taken a dive as the site is now off-line

  2. Tru to form as always, Typical Eddie, the truth and nothing but the truth there.
    Well done, an excellent interview,thanks on behalf of all diabetics for all your hard work.
    Proud to know you
    Karin M

  3. WOWEE - I take off my hat to you Sir, finally someone not afraid to speak the truth.
    We need a forum please.

  4. Lowcarb warrior princess25 May 2011 at 17:03

    Way to go Eddie, glad to see you still fight the good fight and continue to help debunk the myths surrounding 'dangerous' lowcarb diets. Knowledge is power, and the more people learn the truth re. lowcarb, the better. Better glycaemic control for diabetics, indeed better health for all who cut carbs.
    Well said!

  5. Great stuff Eddie!! I see the usual cretinous stuff is starting from "Hissing Sid" over there in the "Diabetes Soapbox - Have your say" section. So long as what you say toes the party line of course!

    Here's the link:

    The really sad part is it's a new member with 3 posts saying they're confused. The reply is typical of the nonsense over there.

  6. A good interview, thank you Eddie Mitch, thank you for your encouragement, your support,it's working.
    Kind regards, respect

  7. Well done it's about time the truth came out, had become a no go area for lowcarbers that dared to challenge the monitors.


  8. Great interview. What a way to treat Dr Jay and all those that have benefited from the low carb life style.We can only hope common sense will return to

  9. The interview looks to have caused quite a stir on DCUK, I see all the usual suspects are gathering, we shall of course be responding to them when we have time, given our extensive archives of posts our responses will reveal the true agenda of the anti lowcarbers. Namely Ally, cherub, bonkers, phoenix, noblehead and if she joins the fray jopar.
    For all those lowcarbers who are members of DCUK you should be able to post without fear of editing, post locking, deletion and banning as Ken is now to use his term just an “ordinary member”.

  10. You are all obviously paranoid. I am not, never have been and never will be Anti low carb, I low carb myself, I just dont share your passion for fat, but then I didnt realise It was compulsory and that I would be ridiculed for my point of view. Unlike yourself I would never dream of 'telling' someone else what they should do.

    You do make me laugh though hahahaha

    Hissing Sid ;)

    I wonder if you have the minerals to post this reply LOL

  11. Hi Sid thanks for your comment. Last night you posted this on the forum of fun.

    " * If you should read this Mr Mitchell don't feel flattered that I read your blog, someone just sent me the link, I have no interest in your rantings."

    May I suggest a bit more fat in your diet. You posted on here weeks ago, had you forgotten ? has your memory gone on the blink ?

    Go on lad get some fat down Ya !


  12. Patch [Yes - THE Patch! ;-) ]26 May 2011 at 21:59 is in a transitional period. I have high hopes for it.

    We'll see if the threats of bannings and suspensions remain the norm. I hope not.

    Why not swing by and contribute?

    It seems that has tried to resist becoming a "fad" site. If they embraced a modern regime (lo-carb, lo-gi, *insert regime here) and that regime was disproved, the site would lose a lot of credibility.

    That (I imagine) is why's advice has always been broadly in line with the conventional wisdom of the time.

    Times are changing, though. Conventional wisdom is not much use when there are people willing to experiment, with great results.

    Good times ahead.

    Peace, Love and more Peace and Love.

  13. Geez I've been away and what a lot has gone on, still trying to catch up with all the reading. But what a deplorable way to treat a Dr. good on yer Eddie for bringing this to attention but what about the ordinary guys who must have fallen by the wayside by the things going on at
    Still reading the articles


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The best of health to you and yours.
