Friday, 3 June 2011

C Peptide.

Every now and again I read about a type two diabetic who is consuming an amount of carbs that would have me in double figures most of time. In fact it would have most of the non insulin injecting type two’s I know in the dangerous zone. Having said that they are holding good HbA1c numbers. It has always been my view if you are a type two diabetic it’s a fair bet beta cell function is impaired. Chuck in some insulin resistance and some surplus blubber and you have the classic type two at diagnosis. It makes sense to me to hang on to what’s left of the beta cells for as long as possible.

One of the ways we can do this is our old friend the lowcarb lifestyle. By reducing the load on the usually overworked pancreas can never do any harm. We know the higher the plasma insulin level the harder it is to use stored body fat as a fuel. The higher the stored body fat, the higher the insulin resistance, but there is more, C Peptide.

A while a go when communicating with a highly knowledgeable type one he said to me “don’t start me off about C Peptide” he knew the value of naturally produced C Peptide. Some pharma companies are working overtime to produce a synthetic version, I hope they are successful soon.


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