Friday 3 June 2011

What a load of old testicles !

If there is one thing my old sparring partner Sid Bonkers hates more than me it’s statistics. He gave me one hell of a chuckle when he posted this today.

“Statistically the average human has one breast and one testicle. ~Des McHale”

At first I thought the mans got a point, when I stopped laughing reality hit. One, all human beings have breasts but for certain hormones men’s breasts would develop further, there are a lot of lady boys who would agree with that statement. Also, I have known many women with far more balls than many of the men I have encountered ! To some degree I agree with Sid, so many of the statistics we hear about are so ridiculous it is a mystery how they ever see the light of day.

A typical headline may be along the lines of ‘Lowcarbing causes heart disease’ always a headline that grabs my attention. On closer inspection I find the trial consisted of a bloke in a shed, force feeding half a dozen mice raw meat for 3 months and wonders why they all croaked. Another gem I saw recently was from our old friend Noblehead ‘Eating cheese every day could raise bladder cancer risk' Ok I know Nigel would rather side with old Beelzebub than consume some good old fashioned saturated fat, closer inspection of his link revealed the following.

“The results showed eating cheese had little effect unless the amount exceeded 53g a day. After that, the risk went up by more than half. But the Dutch and Belgian researchers stressed the numbers of people in the study may be too small to conclude that cheese is a major health threat and called for further investigations to verify their findings, which were published in the European Journal of Cancer.”

Still with me ? The lowcarb antis do love their petty torments. The prize for the most useless dietary information of the week as always goes to my old nemesis Ally 5555.

“It is a amazing the highest cholesterol level I can ever recall was from a pt when I was a student at a leading London hospital - the lady ate 12 eggs and 4 pounds of beef a day , plus a few veggies - her cholesterol was very high - her blood looked like cream!
Would be interesting to eat like that !”

Any of you eating four pounds of beef and a dozen eggs per day ? thought not. Lets face it anyone that could afford to buy four pounds of beef per day would be sending Bill Gates welfare parcels, even Desperate Dan would struggle to consume four pounds of meat a day.

One set of statistics cannot be ignored and are certainly no joking matter, the published NHS stats on HbA1c control are appalling, over to you Sid.



  1. Four pounds of beef must have cost a fortune, wonder if she's a successful rustler. Just a thought LOL

  2. Great cartoon, made me laugh.

    BUT the stats from NHS on HbA1c control are NO laughing matter.


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