Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Circus Maximus

"We used to have several mods here before the troubles began, they ended up fighting each other and it descended into open warfare and chaos ! That's when the previous Administrator called on Sue and I to sort the mess out and look after the place, till we were booted out for no good reason by a new administrator. Such is life !

Let's dispel this myth that Sue and I were sat in front of our PC's 24/7 every day shall we. Wqe both use technology to its fullest, yes we sometimes gave an hour or so to answering posts but much of the time we were both out and about. This particular message is beingg written on my phone whilst I sit outside enjoying life ! Nowhere near a PC and certainly not 24/7 ! That's how many posts are actually written unless we needed access to some particular research articles."

Update ! The above quoted  post has been deleted. Playing Kenny at his own game, how ironic.


  1. More like "Circus of Horrors" the film about the mad plastic surgeon. Substitute a mad moderator...

  2. There goes yesterday's man.

    He might get over it and move on one day - like the rest of the forum has.

    "Most users ever online was 163 on June 28th, 2011, 7:01 pm"

  3. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when a when that silly, pompous little man's posts are deleted! Tears, tantrums - too funny for words!

  4. "Dislikes:
    People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards"

    The above is from his profile. I get it now - he hates himself!!!

  5. I will miss Ken. He was great. A true Tommy Cooper. But what about the newbies ?

  6. Yes exactly what about the newbies - surely they deserve better?

  7. The forum was stagnating when Ken was in charge, with over 30,000 members the "most ever users on line" was a meagre 146. Looking at the stats for other forums this figure is eclipsed on many smaller sites than DCUK.

    This is a similar size forum to DCUK, look at the difference with the stats.

    There are currently 468 users online
    Most users ever online was 1,413,
    Threads: 57,066 Posts: 675,165 Members: 34,116


  8. Hee, Hee, .... your cartoons are great

  9. Circus indeed!!
    Spotted a new member on forum planning to emigrate and asking for informatio n re diabetic treatments in Greece.
    I wanted to respond, I have 2 good diabetic friends who set up home in Greece last year; they gave me two links for diabetes orgs in Greece that they found very helpful at the time, providing information, support, etc
    Now I am of course banned from the circus, LOL, howevre I still do care very much for my fellow diabetics, so I sent off a brief email to the Administrstor of stating that there is no need to mention my name at all, just please pass on details of Greek orgs to the member.
    Well pompous idiots didnt reply, not necessary anyway however they did not pass on the information to the new member.
    Doesnt matter, idiots that they are, I quickly registered using a proxy server, passed on the message myself.
    Eeh aw, eeh aw admin.

  10. I'm not sure that giving a f*** was in Sitefinders' business model.

    If the return was good, then it might be.

  11. Sitefinders., exploiting the lonely ? Payday, exploiting the financially disadvantaged ? exploiting the overweight? The list goes on. It’s all about money and exploitation.


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