Thursday, 30 June 2011 Professionals not wanted !

“With an increasing number of HCP’s, podiatrists, doctors, specialists and other professionals using the site, we were considering changing one of the forum rules to allow such professionals to use the site - and where normally they'd break the rules if they did offer advice.
Do we want advice from professionals ?
A poll was set up and the 30000 plus members had a chance to vote. 67 voted and 39 people 58% were against. As usual the clique mounted a blitzkrieg with Ken bludgeoning all opposition to the clique. Of the 83 posts 40 came from admin and the clique, as usual Ken “who was having a day off” made the most posts 12.

After little over a day the Administrator stated “Seems like a no - so shall lock the topic - we'll put some more thought into this and throw our ideas to the floor again.” Why was this thread started ?

Now I can fully understand Kens stance, It was a Doctor that exposed Kens dietary stupidity and his Stalinist style of moderation, that got the fonts of all knowledge booted out of the mods chairs. As we have seen, the clique will back Kenny no matter how ludicrous his rantings, but Admin ! What’s going on ?

What well run and informative diabetes forum would not want advice from a professional ? notice the word is advice, not diagnosis, not treatment. The admin have allowed Ally to post for three years, in fact she was allowed to make 4 posts in the aforementioned thread. What’s going on here, not for the first time at, fact is stranger than fiction. Is the admin as thick as a plank or is something more sinister going on ?

Do the people who run really want to help people ? Was the appointing of two new mods who clearly cannot control their own BG numbers a smart move ? Especially when their main role is to “ mainly helping those in the Greetings and Newly Diagnosed forums” How long will the largest diabetes forum in the UK with 30,000 members be completely dominated by a disgraced moderator and his cohort clique ?



  1. From the point of view of a forum, a very short sighted decision.

    That said, how many of we well controlled diabetics actually believe what the "professionals" are telling/advising us to do. I think we have all done our own research and come to our own conclusions, much of which flies in the face of current doctrine.

  2. forum has become known as DeathByDiabetes forum, a joke, I know, but a tragic one.

    Doing your own research,reaching your own conclusions and going against 'professional' ill guided advice means one needs coursge and brains, something that admin and clique are not blessed with.

  3. A valid comment. But we must not become tainted and believe all HCP's know nothing about the good control of diabetes. When one comes along who does know the way forward, they are first banned, then ridiculed, then subjected to a snap poll. I have a keen sense of smell, and I smell fit up !


  4. The Doctor (Jay whatever? more than likely would have been welcomed with open arms had he not been so unlucky to meet you and silly enough to listen to you. It's his loss, and yours, DCUK has no loss whatsoever. In fact, it has got rid of another low-carber who though he could control people just by saying that he is a Doctor.

    He should have used his brains instead of using you to promote himself, which in reality is/was his intentions in joining the forum in the first place.

  5. "...which in reality is/was his intentions in joining the forum in the first place."

    And just HOW do you know what the doctor's intentions were? Can you read minds? Did you discuss the matter with him?

    "In fact, it has got rid of another low-carber". Rebecca, Salem 1692.

  6. "The Doctor (Jay whatever? more than likely would have been welcomed with open arms had he not been so unlucky to meet you and silly enough to listen to you. It's his loss, and yours, DCUK has no loss whatsoever. In fact, it has got rid of another low-carber who though he could control people just by saying that he is a Doctor.

    He should have used his brains instead of using you to promote himself, which in reality is/was his intentions in joining the forum in the first place."

    You have worked me out ! I only have to make a phone call and Doctors come running. Next week Bernstein comes onto the payroll. Get a grip you moron.



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