Wednesday 1 June 2011

Who are they STILL trying to kid part two ? Catherinecherub.

I see the wonderful Catherinecherub is still pushing the BS. She states.

“My sentiments exactly about Ken and Sue, they were on a hiding to nowhere.
We are all guilty of letting this happen as we gave no feedback as to what we as members wanted or where not happy with.”

“They have had to put up with distasteful, caricature blog posts that they must have found highly distressing, (these are still going on) and we do have enemies within who glean information on people's profiles to take back to people who are banned so that they can use it to their advantage to ridicule them on blogs. There are members here who post comments on these blogs to discredit members here as well. You would be surprised if you knew the names of some people ridiculed in these blogs.”

“You might say that it is best not to read the blogs but it does give you an insight into some member's behaviour."

"Most people think, "How lovely, a forum to help diabetics, let's join". That is how it should be but there is much more than that going on behind the scenes.”

As you say much goes on behinds the scenes. But the days of post deletion, post alteration and bullying by Ken and the likes of you are over, I hope. Some such as Ken were pretty blunt instruments, others like you are a bit more subtle. Either way most forums members have got your and your little gangs number.

To quote one of the good guys, Benedict.

“Sadly, the moderators didn’t notify any of the team at at the time. I also had previously warned the moderators that we should refrain from calling anyone trolls, which clearly they didn’t take heed of.”

“I felt our moderators had acted out of order-–essentially misinterpreting what Dr Jay had said and taking it as a personal attack on their credibility. They responded in, what I felt to be, an overly defensive way.”

“I started to low carb after being inspired by and joining the forum 2 years ago–which had a dedicated low carb forum. I joined in September and follow a low carb diet. I have Type 1 diabetes and find it an excellent way to achieve good control and eat both a healthy and varied diet. Prior to this I was on the classic low fat, high carb diet–which wasn’t doing me any favours.”

“The general ethos behind is to allow freedom of expression. In all honesty, this freedom was steadily becoming shackled by the moderators and I rather feel I was late to take decisive action with regard to them.”

So Catherinecherub, you are fooling no one other than the confused, the innocent and the newbie’s. If you really want to help your fellow diabetics. Give us a daily and weekly food diary. Tell us how you can get an HbA1c of 4.9 on no meds and a low GI diet. As with your friend Ally, I expect we will wait a very long time to get no answers.



  1. Poor little cherub looks like she's got problems with her memory, she states her A1c was 5.2 for ages. Wonder when this was, as for over 2 years it was 5.1 and previous to that I recall it being 5.5.

    Re: Is it a Hypo?

    "The lower your HBA1c then the more difficult it is to avoid. My last HBA1c was 4.9 and I am trying to raise it as when I get towards 4.2 to 4.5 then I know I have to eat. This doesn't give me a lot of leeway. I stayed with an HBA1c of 5.2 for ages and did not encounter these problems."

  2. I see we are still waiting for an answer, that does'nt surprise me.
    Surely all of us diabetics should exchange and listen to all view points.
    Knowledge,Education is the way.

    We need to make informed choices


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The best of health to you and yours.
