Thursday 28 July 2011

The Chipboard Diet.

How many times have you taken that unwanted and cheapo piece of furniture to the rubbish dump ? Most of this stuff is made of chipboard. I have devised a new diet that is lowcarb, cheap and helps recycling and global warming, ‘The Chipboard Diet’ !

Saw or smash the unwanted desk or table into food processor sized pieces and grind until fine. A useful tip ! Remove all nails, screws and metal parts first ! Add half a pint of hot water and an oxo cube, stir well and drink. Very filling and cheap and I guarantee lower BG numbers than Optislime. I reckon this food is high in fibre but as for calories who knows.

Another useful weight loss tip.

Run very high BG numbers until severe complications set in. When your legs have turned to condemned corned-beef, have them amputated. I reckon around 70-100 lbs weight loss in about 1 hour, think of the saving on shoes !



  1. Mmmm yes, tasty!! I think not.....

    But when you consider what some people shovel down their gullets, they might actually be better off chewing a bit of old chipboard, anyone know the carb content?
    Truly, it makes me want to go out there and cook up a low csrb feast, using good, wholesome fresh ingredients and then give everyone a test strip, some people need to be taken by the hand and shown in practical terms how things work.

    Karen chocfish


    Yum. Ice cream.

  3. Don't bother removing the screws & nails It keeps up the iron intake


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