My arch nemesis Carbo the great (other than the dietition Ally) whose blog states on his blog header, “A simple carb loving person with diabetes, struggling with managing the condition and living a normal life”
Believe it or not how a person lives and whatever their poison is no great deal to me, but why drag others into the mire ? Carbo and his anonymous crew, they are always very anonymous, kick me to death at every opportunity. I know they are obsessed with me as this blog gives details of traffic sources and his gang of miscreants are on this blog 24/7 around the clock.
Allegedly Carbo is the fired moderator at DUK and the owner of the failed and defunct forum of failure ‘Diabetes for life’ Tubolard. Who knows, who cares ? I suspect we are all carb lovers, but some appreciate they have lead to our downfall. Some are addicted to carbs, why don’t they admit it and stop trying to bring others down to their level.
What sticks in my craw is how they disrupt, ridicule and try to bring others down to their level. Let them eat carbs and good luck to them, but to control diabetes you need a lot more than luck, and that’s a fact !
So Carbo, how about letting us know who you are. Start with your forum name and work up to your real name. How about meeting me. My money is on you are gutless and a coward and will skulk in the shadows forever. Keep spreading the lies and misinformation, you know how to contact me.
Eddie Mitchell
Please check out our website for some good lowcarb food ideas.
Ummm have you ever heard or seen anyone saying thsnk you Carbophile/tuboflard for helping me bring my bg levels down, for your support??I have lost count of the many people that thanked you Eddie for helping them on the road to better health, giving them hope once more.
ReplyDeleteActually Eddie, dont get upset, just think about it, Carbophile and his followers will never ever agree on this lchf issue. so let them believe that a Hb1ac in the 7s is good control. You Eddie, and I and fellow low carbers we know different, that lot over there cannot convince us that we need carbs.
Tragic as it may be, but their day of reckoning will come eventually, its too late to look down at your one remaining leg wishing you had achieved better control, wishing youi never had eaten those damned spuds and normal bread.
I fear for them, very much so, I csre about my fellow human beings, diabetics and it makes me sad when I see someone so hellbent on risking their health.
I hope and pray that people do wake up and face the truth, yeah I will keep giving out the lchf message.
I wish everyone, even Carbophile and followers a Hb1ac in the 5s with no or minimum medication to poison their bodies. Life is precious.
Karen chocfish
Ah get real Eddie, Carbophile is hiding behind the mask of anonymity, a stack of white bread propped up by pasta no doubt.
ReplyDeleteCome on, would you dare to reveal who you really are if you were as stupid as he so obviously is.
Carbo is clearly besotted with me, maybe I should be grateful. Some would say it’s love, the line between love and hate can be very fine. If he has real conviction in the dross he spouts, he will come out into the open. Let’s face it, a man that will not put his name to his convictions is a………… well you decide.