I knew the stats for amputation for diabetics is grim and increasing, but not this grim. 260,000 per year according to Jopar. The saw bones must be working 24/7. Where do they dispose of all these limbs ?
From Jopar
“The statistics for amplutation is 5,000 operations a week, so a percentage of this will be individuals who face a second amplutatution, the T1 I know had her toes removed in 5 different operations not in a single one! But even if you take these figures as first time then as there are over 2.4 million diabetics the actual percentage is very small indeed, so who is scaremongering!”
“Control wise, for any T1 to follow an extreme low carb diet sucessfully actaully requires 3 types of insulin, the background, and indemediate one to inject 30 mintues at least before an high fat/protien meal, to match the profile of protien etc. Then a fast acting insulin for corrections..”
This from a self proclaimed expert on good control. A qualified chef, but cannot put a decent low carb meal together. A type one who’s husbands life has been saved by a hypo sensing dog. A person who said a couple of years ago the difference between HbA1c of 5 and 7 was only 2 percent and not worth bothering about. A person who stated “I would be dead if I followed Eddie’s or Fergus’ advice” Why has no one not questioned her ludicrous comment on amputations ? The true figure is nearer 5000 per year !
“With respect Ailz Barry Groves who ever he is doesnt know what he is talking about, I rarely if ever eat less than 70g a day and usually a lot more than that and I am perfectly well controlled and am able to maintain the weight loss I achieved.”
“Firstly no one get a 2 hour slot with a consultant a doctor or a dietician it just deosnt happen which then makes me question the level of exaggeration in the rest of your posts
Seems to me its you who is 'reading from the script' the extremist low carb script”
Is hissing Sid calling the person a liar ? Don’t forget Sid says he is a lowcarber ! Well last month he was. Someone tell him who Barry Groves is, he has forgotten more about a healthy diet and weight control than Sid will ever know.
“You may well ask or question why I should write the above, well I thought it was fitting that I should at this time given what I have observed over the last few weeks on this forum which I will now lead onto.”
“Demonising carbs and dictating what members should and shouldn't eat has no place on a forum such as this which attracts a wide diversity of people controlling their diabetes by various methods, thankfully these members who use words like ''Carboholics'' are very few and far between and the majority of members here are more than happy and content to follow a low carb/reduced carb/moderate carb diet without needing to resort to insults or scare tactics concerning carbohydrates."
"It is and never has been anyone's business how members control their diabetes, we as members are only here to advise and offer support......nothing more and nothing less, so with this in mind I do hope that the Admin and the Forum Moderators will keep an eye on such tactics and take appropriate action where necessary.”
This from a person that vilifies dietary fat at every opportunity ! What planet is this guy on ! One of Kens bag carriers and anti lowcarb to the core. Never missing an opportunity to spread the fat will kill you dogma, i.e. putting the boot in on lowcarb higher fat diet. Wake up lad, you are as transparent as a freshly cleaned window !
Phoenix aka one point five on the Carb Sane-Asylum blog.
“Yes there are a group of diabetics who adopt low carb diets and do well. There are others that use alternative (mainly lower GI or med style diets) and also get good results. I ran a marathon in April, eat about 1800cal a day(the right amount for my age and gender so certainly not starving) About 45% of my diet is carb.”
45% carb diet ! Who do you know in the diabetic world that can tolerate 45% carb other than an insulin user ?
“I have also met T2s that have been taken into hospital for 3 weeks therapeutic education' an period where they 'have' to eat the recommended diet and do some exercise. Somehow when people eat consistently to the guidelines they gain control."
“Eat the recommended diet and do some exercise”
What as per the NHS, DUK or ADA. a total impossibility !
“I don't think any of the US bloggers have sunk so low as the heading on a blog from the UK 'Hope Warshaw more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden ?'. I could write a lot more about the author but I don't think he deserves the publicity.”
We will sink to any level to help fellow diabetics and expose the rubbish you and others promote. You have the benefit of insulin and a pump ! Many diabetics cannot get a few test strips from their HPs. You keep eating those carbs and pumping that insulin. You need insulin but the majority of diabetics do not ! Don’t push a diet that will lead to dangerous BG numbers, ever more meds, insulin and complications for many !
Let us not forget more than 75% of type one diabetics never get close to a safe HbA1c. On average a type one lives 20 years less than a non diabetic ! Not my opinion NHS statistics. For years the eat normally and cover with med’s approach has failed totally to make any progress, and that’s a fact. The gruesome NHS stats have been posted more than once on this blog.
Oh yes, it's nail on head time here!
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you're spot on with your observations.
I despair at the rubbish that gets posted there but, frankly, don't have the time or patience to jump in each time I see it. As I've said, it always goes the same way. The baying hounds gang up and turn it into farce and ridicule.
It seems they are full time forum posters.
Sod Bonkers seems to think we are a well organised gang of people with an agenda.
I want as many diabetics as possible to get control of their blood glucose. I don't care how they do it and have no desire to force them to follow any diet.
That's not an agenda.
If someone had been on Mars for 60 years and on their return started smoking, I'd want to apprise them of the dangers of smoking. If they wished to continue after the facts were explained to them, then it's their funeral.
So it is with diabetics. If they are unaware of the dangers of high carbing, or even adopting a low carb/low fat diet, then they should be told.
If they are being offered bad advice (especially if it's from a mod with A1c in the 9s!) they should be told.
If they are complacent about their high readings, they should be told.
If they choose to ignore the advice and continue to destroy themselves that is entirely up to them.
What they MUST accept, however, is if they are unable to give up the bad stuff, they are carboholics. In the same way as anyone else who is unable to give something up that's killing them.
What is quite intolerable are the vicious attacks on anyone who offers good advice.
Bless my soul, the nominated banana throwing ape posted and what a wonderful post by ally5555 it is:
ReplyDelete"Ken and Sue put a lot of time in here and I am sure the new mods can see that it is hard work when people start arguing!
They are both fine by the way - had a chat with them last week .
If you are reading this, please can you post just one useful post on how to lower bg levels without the need for increased medication or a recipe that doesnt cause a spike? Just one, or is it asking for too much?
WTF is interested in Ken's and Sue's wellbeing?
Karen chocfish
Come on now give the Joker a break just look at her "claimed" qualifications;
ReplyDelete"As to my knowledge of diets, T1 and T2 diabetes, I spent 15 years working having to learn about these and many more medical specific dietary needs, here’s just an example
Diabetes - Personal, + professional
Coeliac disease – professional
Huntington’s – professional
Renal end failure –professional
Dementia – professional
Weight gain + loss – professional"
Sid Plonker
Words Fail me!
Nigel Knowitall
As Type 1 should realise it's non of his business how Type 2s control their diabetes nothing more nothing less:
"It is and never has been anyone's business how members control their diabetes, we as members are only here to advise and offer support......nothing more and nothing less,
My old mate Phoenix the biggest hypocrite of all:
Her postings on the carbsane blog suggest she's in total agreement with Hope Warshaws dietary guidelines for Type 2s, this shows all I need to know about her to conclude that she has not a clue about Type 2s.
I know your up for a chalenge Helen this a quote from your friend Ally;
"Graham - low carbing is dying in the general popualation and that is a fact - the GI diet has taken over."
OK phoenix as an advocate of the GI diet, prove it if you can!
Nullius in verba indeed!
Graham x
All this is why I've given up on Diabetes UK Forum. I got sick of being harangued all the time.