Thursday, 21 July 2011

How dare someone like Dr Jay Wortman come along and tell the truth !

Maybe I'm being naïve, but I do detect a bit of an improvement over there. Having said that, I still have grave doubts it will be sustained! The trouble is that the idiots still chime in with snide and fatuous comments which invite a contribution from people like us. Then all hell breaks loose! One thing that drives me nuts is the wimmy wammy "Why can't we all be nice" or "Why can't we all stop arguing". That's right, we should have been nice to Mr Hitler as his mob marched across Europe! We shouldn't have argued with him. After all, arguments are unseemly and just upset some timid souls. How much can sensible and informed people with a spine put up with before they join the fray? If the troublemakers like the dietician, the village idiot, knobhead and the rest of the sycophantic rabble rousers were banned, the place could become the "Go to" place for diabetics. All the while they post their garbage, reasonable people will be unable to resist the urge to fight back, or call them to account. As I've said before, the clique seem to think the forum is their domain and they've attained some sort of "Elder statesman" status. In other words, in their minds, it's their forum and how dare someone like Dr Jay Wortman come along and tell the truth ! 



  1. I thought Dr Jay was credible until he started referring to Eddie as a moderator LMAO

    Just kidding Eddie!

  2. Thank goodness Dr Wortman comes out to tell the truth, the forum is damned lucky to have him on board thats for sure.
    At the moment the forum is quite good actually, I like Viv and borofergie, these two talk a lot of sense.
    Maybe if more former lowcarbdiabetes forum members joined up at there would be more support out there for the lovely wiflib, clearviews, etc, members who are factual and non-aggressive, its the old defenders, sycophants as you call them that are causing the problems. They ought to be outnumbered, I am aware that a lot of members live in fear of them.
    Dont get me wrong, the 'oldies' can control their diabetes in the way they want, they can have bg numbers that they personally are happy with, it is a free world after all. I also know that there are diabetics who just really, really, really cannot handle low carb, they insist on not being able to live without their porridge and pasta and rice, they would live a extremely miserable life if they cut it out, some of them aaying, and really meaning it, that they would sooner their life is cut shorter rather than give up their favourite foods.
    I accept all that, I cant get my head round it, but each to their own.
    BUT what I cannot accept is if people dont get all the important information that is out there, people need to be given a chance to make an informed choice and tragically low carb or lchf is still very much the underdog, the eccentrics choice of controlling diabetes. This is something that Dr Wortman and experienced low carbers need to deal with, so that people dont feel nervous about the low carb lifestyle.
    Karen chocfish

  3. Hi Ray

    The last thing the clique want to hear is the truth. Ken’s gone but the thread locking and banning goes on. Clearly the admin want a low profile for low carb ! The forum and main site are for profit organisations and there is no money in low carb. If every diabetic low carbed it would make a huge hole in big pharma profits. We don’t need diabetic hampers, vibrating foot plates, high carb recipe books and all the junk that makes being a diabetic a soft touch.

    If Jimmy Moore and Jay had not got involved Kenny would still be running the forum his way. Are we to believe that the admin never knew what was going on ? I don’t believe that for one minute, they knew and it suited their business model. All over the world diabetics are a massive earner for big pharma, the medics, dietitions etc etc. Lowcarbing works, it’s the only way that works, but there is no money in it for the parasites.



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