Thursday, 7 July 2011

Does Anyone Know a TRUE Low Carber with Diabetic Complications?

My wife and I get out and about a lot with our two Greyhounds. These dogs attract a lot of attention so an hours walk turns into a two hour outing with stops to answer questions about the dogs.We have always gone out of our way to let the disabled, especially those in wheelchairs, pet the dogs and in doing so often get to find out how they came to be disabled in the first place. On many other occasions we have met people on crutches with a bandaged foot resulting from unhealed injuries.

I'm horrified at the sheer number of these unfortunates who have diabetes! The other shocking aspect of this is the complete bewilderment when I tell them I'm diabetic but control it with a low carb diet. They usually go on to tell be how wonderful the doctors have been to them and got them through heart attacks, strokes, hypos etc. I have learned to give up and just wish them well.

They just don't, or won't get it, that what applies to me, also applies to them! I find this situation distressing but have learned to recognise when I'm bashing my head against a brick wall!

The point is though, I've not met a low carber with these complications. I did once meet a fellow low carber who spoke to us in a queue in a cafe. He detected from our order that we were low carbing. He went on to tell us how he'd halted, and largely reversed, his complications by going low carb.

On the other hand, is it that generally, I wouldn't know if they were a low carber or not because they're walking about with no visible evidence that they have diabetes?

In the title I specify "TRUE" low carber as I am aware that some pay lip service to it without actually really practising it.

I would love to hear other's opinions on this subject.



  1. It's all down to being proactive in controlling your diabetes Ray. I could quite easily have been one of those people you met if I'd followed the advice of my doctor who said it was only mild diabetes and just follow the NHS dietary guidelines, and also there was no need for me to to test my BG.


  2. In answer to your question Ray, no I have never met a TRUE lowcarber who has succumbed to diabetic complications. In fact I have met diabetics and heard of many more who have reversed complications by low carbing. The downward spiral for diabetics starts at diagnosis. The standard dietary advice from almost all Doctors and dietitions starts with the ridiculous, base your meals on the foods that made you overweight, raised BG and insulin levels and lead to type two diabetes.

    Throw in there is no need to test and many never get to safe numbers. This situation usually escalates to ever more meds and more problems. The situation is compounded by the lie diabetes is always progressive. If a diabetic is lucky, they find a guy like Fergus, and years on it’s nil/minimal meds non diabetic numbers and diabetes sorted.

    At that stage the smart guy disappears into oblivion and lives a quiet active life. The real mugs try to spread the truth and help others, and then succumbs to the greatest diabetic complication known to man, Cretinopathy !

    Diabetics who are addicted to carbs, and feel meds are the answer, work around the clock 24/7 trying to promote out of date methods that usually end up proving the medics belief, diabetes is always progressive. What motivates these deadbeats and numbskulls is the greatest mystery in the history of the world.

    Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.


  3. I have yet to meet a TRUE low carber with complications. Like you Eddie, I find that when a diabetic gets down to serious low carbing they manage to reverse or at least improve their complication issues. Of course nobody can manage to grow a new foot, not even with low carb. But I know plenty who have improved kidney function, neuropathy, retinopathy etc
    I always suggest low carbing to all and sundry, I've even printed a littly flyer on low carbing and I hand that out at every opportunity.
    People laugh, some are sceptical, you cant live without bread, rice. etc you will die?
    I just smile, suggest they try it for a couple of weeks only, if its harmful then 2 weeks wont cause too much damage will it? You would be surprised just how many people come back to me with 'Karen, by the way, thanks'
    Really, to anyone out there struggling with their bg numbers, or actually with any kind of illness, do yourself a favour and try the low carb way. No harm can come to anyone eating good, healthy, fresh food with no additives, just natural foods and none that clog up your system.
    If you need any help to get started, get in touch, via the owner of this blog.
    All the best
    Karen chocfish

  4. @and none that clog up your system.

    And this does NOT mean avoid fat, and especially not saturated fat.

  5. For us on this blog low carbing is just so natural. I stumbled on the web site and was so pleased that I did. It explained everything in a clear way that in my then confused state could understand. The web is out there for us all it can be our friend we've got to read it and act on it and then make it known. It saddens me that so many diabetics can do so much more and improve their life by taking that step and dropping those carbs, we really don't need them.


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The best of health to you and yours.
