Thursday 7 July 2011

Why are Dietitians trying to kill diabetics ?

"Of course, I honestly believe Hope Warshaw knows all of this and is simply saying what needs to be said so she can keep her cushy position as a bona fide diabetes “expert.” But the gig is almost up and there will be a heavy price to pay to her reputation as Type 2 diabetics realize they have been lied to. Perhaps Warshaw honestly believes in her heart of hearts that the answer to treating diabetes is indeed more and more medication. Yet it would seem to me that if there were a way to control blood sugar levels, lower A1c numbers, and get this disease under control WITHOUT medication, why wouldn’t you shout it from the rooftops and to everyone dealing with Type 2 diabetes? It’s rather conspicuous that Warshaw would describe a low-carb diet as “old dogma” and replace it with her “new reality” recommendation of more carbohydrates which will then require more medications to cover up. Am I missing something here?"

Check this Jimmy Moore story out, remind you of anyone we know ?



  1. I hope these so called dietitians succumb to diabetes only then will they learn how ridiculous their advice is, would they be happy to take medications given the latest revalations of side effects I somehow doubt it.

    "remind you of anyone we know"
    Do I get a prize for naming the dietition?


  2. There is no money in healthy people, the trick is keeping them alive, sort of. Half alive and half dead and requiring ever more meds. and medical attention. Big pharma is happy, the medics have plenty of work and the junk food mobs prosper. Wheelchair makers do well as do the makers of white sticks and kidney dialysis machines. As for the diabetic, he did not comply and diabetes is always progressive is the big cop out.


  3. Hmmm I think its all to do with the HCPs always wanting the back up of scientific research.
    In the good old days, there were no meds for diabetics out there, all doctors and nurses had was LOW CARB DIETS but not much research has gone into that, just old fashioned common sense.
    With the advent of big pharma creating poisons to treat diabetes, supposedly to allow the diabetic to stuff himself full of the rubbish foods that made him ill in the first place, comes also the years of research, carried out in laboratories on animals before those meds are unleashed on the public. Great, that the drugs work on animals, but hey I am a human.....
    When I tried to do everything by the book, following doctors orders and became more and more ill, complications galore, wheelchair bound, I still was told to eat a healthy carby diet, we will just need to review your meds and maybe add another drug.
    I am a type 2 diabetic, my 88yr old aunt a type 1, was tearing her hair out, Karen for goodness sake listen please, do as I say, do as I do, cut the carbs please. But did I listen, like hell I did.
    Eventually things got so bad, I started to think maybe there is something in it after all, naively I asked my HCPs about cutting out the carbs, well they almost had a heart attack, dont you dare, do you want to die, you will get vitamin and mineral deficiencies and what not.
    Lucky for me, my family forced me to go low carb, struggled like hell I did at first, today? I cant thank them enough for being so cruel to me at the time.
    Stuff research and scientific this and that, go by what makes you feel good, go and see how youru body responds, anyone trying out low carb will see some changes taking place after just a couple of weeks, if not sooner.
    What have you got to lose?

  4. "Hmmm I think its all to do with the HCPs always wanting the back up of scientific research."

    A broken clock shows the correct time every 12 hours. A working clock is always slightly incorrect and therefore rarely if ever shows the right time.

    The above proves scientifically that a broken clock is the better timekeeper!

    Scientific research can prove just about anything; it's the interpretation of the results that counts.



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