Wednesday, 20 July 2011

FDA Panel Opposes New Type of Diabetes Drug !

"The split vote, as well as panelist comments, makes it uncertain whether the FDA will approve the drug, jointly made by Bristol-Myers Squibb and AstraZeneca. The FDA will certainly ask the companies to gather more data on side effects; the key question is whether the agency will ask for this data before or after approval.

That's by no means proof that the drug causes cancer. But definitive studies might require thousands of patients. The question now before the FDA is whether the modest blood-sugar-lowering and weight-reducing benefits of dapagliflozin are worth the risk."

Modest blood-sugar-lowering and weight-reducing benefits of type two diabetes drugs are the norm. Many have proved to be highly dangerous, so whats new ? How long before another type two wonder drug is banned ?


1 comment:

  1. Ooohhh does that mean I can have BBQ banana with a drizzle of golden syrup and low fat cream? I am into healthy eating you see.....
    Makes you spit when you think all those nasty drugs being developed, the money plouged into big pharma to produce meds that are basically designed to maim and kill.

    Only last week I met a diabetic, he was prescribed Januvia before, suffered side effects, was also alarmed at finding out that there is an increased risk of cancer as a result of taking this medication.
    He returns to his doctor to question his drug therapy, the doctor agrees, yes its only a slight chance of getting cancer though.
    Hmmm, the patient is wondering 'but what if I am the unlucky one?', his doctor replied, 'dont worry, just take the meds to keep your bg down, if you get cancer we deal with it when or if the time comes'
    Thank God the bloke has seen the light, he has started lowcarbing a week later, bg levels dropping nicely, redcucing meds already, not adding to them.

    Karen chocfish


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