"Hi, everyone, this topic is going worse and off the point and isnt remaining a friendly discussion between everyone. therefore it is being locked. Anna" Hba1c Feb 9.1 April 9.7"
Quote from noblehead putting a question to canuck.
ReplyDelete“Now the problem is that although they achieve great success you will find many are on diabetes medication and a few were using or contemplating using insulin to keep their control tight, some are on bp meds also along with cholesterol lowering drugs, so given what you have said about ''If you follow a proper low-carb diet you can get off medications''.... are you implying then that they are all doing something wrong after all this time bearing in mind what I have said about them achieving non-diabetic numbers?”
Lets look at insulin first, I remember the post on lcd well the discussion was about the side effects of diabetic medications, I stated that IF and When I ever need anything other than metformin to control my BG rather than risk meds that are increasingly coming under scrutiny (Avandia Actos etc) I would ask if I could go on insulin. For boneheads information the If and When is still just that, I'm now well into my fourth year since diagnosis I take one metformin SR before bed to help with the Dawn phenomenon and thats it, and this on a high calorie diet.
Bp meds yes I'm on those but since going low carb the dose has been halved.
Cholesterol lowering meds! get real going lowcarb and upping the fats has given me the best lipids I’ve ever had, this was also true of many other members of lc.co.uk.,who also reported drastic reductions in medications and in some cases coming off them completely.
As far as the LC forum at DCUK the problem there is the clique has infiltrated it, you can see the likes of cherub, ka-mon, phoenix, bonkers, the dietition, jopar, and of course low fat nigel posting their usual scare stories.
"cherub, ka-mon, phoenix, bonkers, the dietition, jopar, and of course low fat nigel"
ReplyDeleteThis is the whole problem Graham, that bunch of egotistical losers totally dominate the forum. It would seem that they have nothing else in their lives apart from the forum which they see as their domain. It's also particularly sad to see others some who make reasonable posts currying favour with the mob - obviously frightened to get on the wrong side of them.
As I said in my last skirmish, they are intentionally choosing to be obtuse. They deliberately misread and misinterpret posts so they can attack like a bunch of hysterical school kids.
As for the post from Admin asking me to "...be a little more compassionate please, Ray" Well!!
I've noticed when they really start to lose the argument and can only produce ridicule and moronic humour; the thread is locked!
If only the "Silent members" would dive in and protest, but it appears they see the mob as some sort of "Elder statesman" which is a joke in itself. They even thank them for their help! I suppose if you are desperate and know little, then as I've said before - In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Sorry to say their appears to be no improvement 'over there'.
ReplyDeleteDiscussion, information, different views to help people gain as low a HbA1c they do not want to know.
Why is this?
Mad house gets worse every day. Wish more of them would read the info here and use it.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps they do and then ignore it. Ignorance is bliss? I don't think so.
Nice touch with the cartoon.
Business as usual, newbies desrve better, shame on you.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to open discussion and debate.
This is what it's all about. From admin.
ReplyDelete"Thanks for the review! FYI, when the Diabetes Shop goes live, we're hoping to do a deal with the manufacturer so we can sell it for less than the RRP, as least for a while - as it's been a VERY popular competition!"
And what about this ! From a member
"When I went to my User Control Panel to look at a new PM, there was a note saying that a PM had been removed because of content - or something similar.
Is this usual? I didn't realise that Admin either did or could monitor our private messages"
The forum of flog, it's a Gulag !
What saddens me here is a blog that could help low carbers, now that the low carb forum is suspended,is used to ridicule people as opposed to helping low carbers gain information. If it is a lost cause on DCUK then improve the blog for the advantage of low carbers? I couldn't care less what is happening on DCUK and this facility should be a tool for low carbers. There is nowhere for low carbers at the moment unless you use an American blog/forum. I have been grateful for the recipes but cannot see anyone asking questions here. We all have to start somewhere and my journey is being interrupted at the moment. I am scared to answer questions here as nobody else does. Anyone know a good forum as I am new to this.
ReplyDeleteTry these forums, three of the best.
Hi Ray until I was banned I had the same problems with the clique, it's got worse now the new admin appears to have joined their ranks. I noticed he failed to respond to canuck and hobnoblin about the forum policy and ethos obviously he had no answer.
Eddie is forum obsessed. Rather than actually helping anyone, this mad alcoholic uses his blog to post drivel rubbishing personalities.
ReplyDeleteEddie does more damage to the low-carb cause than anyone.
Are these ‘personalities’ the ‘personalities’ that have all but destroyed the forum as a place of free speech and commonsense. Are these ‘personalities’ the ‘personalities’ that hide out on another blog continually rubbishing the people that post on here and try to get the low carb message heard on the forum ? The ‘personalities’ aka the clique are fooling no-one, least of all our team.
ReplyDeleteMad maybe, alcoholic no. However, I do consider myself a connoisseur of fine wine. Get a grip my friend this is trench warfare, countless lives are at risk with the dross and misinformation from the ‘personalities’ who all but one, skulk in the shadows of anonymity.
"Eddie does more damage to the low-carb cause than anyone. "
ReplyDeleteObviously from one of the mob who hasn't noticed the informative posts on this blog and only reads the criticisms of the troublemakers.
Go and read some of the posts from these people and see how much valuable help they provide! Sure they give advice, without any cognicense at all of the true facts.
It's an ego trip for them, that's all.
The clique have personalities!!!! now that I find hard to believe.
ReplyDeleteJust felt I had to reply to the comment posted at 12.23 on 3 July. I think for all newly diagnosed diabetes is confusing and scary. I found the low carb web site very useful, please refer to it and if you are like me you'll find that in the early days you will refer to it and check things out quite a lot.
ReplyDeleteUse the different reference sites, read through information here and on other useful sites. I particularly like the recipes here.
The various articles, news can also be very helpful. Be patient, keep working at your diabetes I'm sure you will get there.