Sunday 3 July 2011

Lowcarb Lasagne Style Bake.

Ok I realise this meal looks like a pavement pizza but assure you it tastes great. This is one of the most tasty lowcarb meals I know. In future I am going to make individual servings and serve straight from the oven to the table, for a really great presentation. The oven proof dishes in picture 2 are from Sainsbury’s at only £1.99 each. They are approx.7" x 5.5" x 2.5" deep and are very heavy and just the job.

250 grams of minced beef.
1 Large courgette
1 large tomato
1 small red onion
300ml of single cream
150 grams of grated cheddar cheese
150 grams of grated gruyere cheese
4 medium sized mushrooms
2 large garlic gloves
Dried mixed herbs
Black pepper
Knob of butter


Chop the onion and garlic cloves fine and fry in a large frying pan with a knob of butter until soft, don’t allow to brown. Place the mince in the frying pan with the onion and garlic and brown. Set aside.
Place the cream in a small non stick sauce pan and heat, do not allow to boil. Add 50 grams of cheddar cheese to the cream and keep stirring until the cheese has melted.

Place a layer of mince in a baking dish, followed by a layer of sliced tomato, and some more mince. Add a layer of uncooked and thinly sliced courgette and cheddar cheese. Add another layer of mince. Add a layer of thinly sliced mushrooms. Pour over the cheese cream mix. Cover with finely grated gruyere cheese. Cover dish with foil and cook at 200c for twenty minutes. Remove foil and bake for a further 20 minutes. The top should be a lovely golden brown.


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