Thursday, 28 July 2011

More from Carbo the great !

"I also appreciate the double standards – he continues to bewail his treatment at DCUK…on his blog…and yet when Edie’s victims complain about Edie’s behaviour he backs off. Jay joined DCUK to defend Edie’s position. It has to be said that it is this bystander’s opinion that Edie might have been just a little bit economic with the actualité with both Jimmy Moore and Jay. Personally, I’d have done a little more research before supporting someone as unpleasant as Edie."

Get real you sad chump. Do you really think a highly respected healthcare pro would join a forum to defend me ! You are more shot away than I thought ! Get lowcarbing and see the light. Dump those carbs !


PS. Latest from the Carbo blog.

"Oooooh! Edie wants a face to face with Carbophile! Now that I would pay to see!

Any bets on that ever happening?"

Never in a million years ! Carbo is gutless and knows it !



  1. As slithery and fat as a diagusting ugly slug, he probably cant meet you, on Orlistat he better stay near his bog LOL; you got more chance of winning the lottery than to meet him.
    YUck, cant be a pretty sight.

  2. Carbo may be nothing like you describe. Maybe we can meet and chew the fat. Let's give him a chance. If we meet I will comment and keep it straight.


  3. “Jay joined DCUK to defend Edie’s position.”

    Yet another figment of Tub's vivid imagination, the true facts are; We made contact for the very “first” time with Dr Jay only after he was banned from DCUK, to say anything other is a total fabrication, but hey! were used to that from Tubs.

    “I have nothing against a LCHF diet, but the perception that it is a panacea for diabetes denies our individuality.”

    Dr Jay only posted in the Low Carb forum at DCUK so his comments were aimed at lowcarbers what’s wrong with that?. Perhaps Tubs readers (the clique) should learn a lesson from that and stick to the non low carb forum, can't see that happening though for they have nothing to offer as an alternative to LC.

    As far as Tub's individuality question would that extend to his carbs/orlistat diet, I'm sure many diabetics will be thrilled to find this could be the way forward in treating their diabetes.


  4. Eddie's victims! what a joke the "real" victims are those unfortunate enough to come across Kenny's ex sock puppets AKA the low fat clique.


  5. This is slightly off-topic, but what with the recent change in mods and the dropping of the overly combatitive style of the old forum I think now is the time for those not banned to return and start spreading the word a bit; the forum is only as good as the posters; if I joined now it would not have been nearly as helpful as when I did because we no longer have the advice and wisdom of the like of Fergus.

    So, I would urge those that can go back and restart the push.



  6. "So, I would urge those that can go back and restart the push."

    For those who do go back please avoid the use of the word "CARBOHOLIC" it appears the deluded low fat evangelist Nigel finds it offensive.



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