Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Christine Cashin Registered Dietition and Director of the BDA calls in the Police !

As some will remember, a few years ago, I could not post on the flog without my old nemesis Ally5555 commenting. Her record, if memory serves was four minutes after one of my posts.

As I have stated many times, I believe her posts have spread fear and alarm amongst the diabetic community. Using various names Ally 5555, sportdiet, Chris etc. she has rubbished low carb at every opportunity.

Sometime ago I received information that Ally 5555 was Christine Cashin. Just before Xmas, I phoned Chris to wish her a merry Xmas (no abuse, no threats) just to confirm she was Ally 5555. This she confirmed.

I used a mobile phone I very rarely use. Imagine my surprise tonight (eight months on) to find a message that came in today from a Cardiff Policeman called Hugh. He states he has received a complaint from a “Welsh female” evidently she has been described as a “Welsh Bint” ! Not my sort of vernacular, maybe a comment received, and posted, who knows. The Policeman is unavailable until Monday. But wants me to contact him.

As this phone has only been used a couple of times, I can only presume the “Welsh Female” is none other than my old nemesis Ally. I will of course contact the Policeman on Monday, and very much look forward to progressing this matter forward.

I will keep you informed.



  1. She is nothing but a drama queen, thought she wants to be left alone?? Bollocks she is after publicity.
    Well you have nothing to fear or answer to.
    Hold your head up high, need assistance with legal fees? We are behind you all the way.

  2. Thank you for the offer of help. I am fortunate to have two solicitors in my family.

    They welcome the opportunity to expose the eat carby foods with every meal lunacy for diabetics. In or out of the courts.


  3. I'm sure her fellow directors at the BDA will welcome the publicity NOT!!, wonder how they will react to her blog posts?

    She has been deleting post's on DCUK and the dietetic forum but we can fill in the blanks complete with the links and dates posted.

    Lets not forget this is the woman that said that lowcarbers are lacking Vitamin C and Folic Acid because we don't eat potatoes.


  4. Too right Graham
    This is going to be a laugh for sure, hoping it will go public, imagine her posts there for all to read.

    Keep your chin up Eddie

  5. Do you think she has low serotonin levels? Time to dig out the files. Can you imagine the howls of horror (laughter?) when the public bear witness to her posts over the years. As Graham mentions, its not just DCUK where she has left evidence of the extent of her dietary knowledge.


  6. From the BDA website.

    What is a dietitian?

    A dietitian is a degree-qualified health professional who helps to promote nutritional well-being, treat disease and prevent nutrition-related problems, provides practical, safe advice, based on current scientific evidence, holds the only legally-recognised, graduate qualification in nutrition and dietetics in the UK.

    Only dietitians registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC) can use the legally protected title ‘dietitian’. Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals to be regulated by law and governed by an ethical code, to ensure that they always work to the highest standard.

    "regulated by law and governed by an ethical code, to ensure that they always work to the highest standard"

    Highest standard ? What is the BDA's lowest standard ?

  7. God help us all!
    With the rubbish this woman sprouted over the last few years in egards to lowcarbing she ought to have a government health warning tattooed on her forehead.

    Ha, and why call the police now? 8 months after the call was made? Telling the truth is considered stalking and bullying is it?

    Come to thinkof it, ally5555 hasnt made any useful posts ever, not even to the higher carb brigade. Seems she only ever posted on the forum to be the instigator of 'discussion'. A bloody trouble maker in other words.

  8. This looks like a case of the pigeon putting herself among the cats!

    She will be eaten alive.

    Maybe she's trying to cash in, it is her name after all.

    Good luck Eddie I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.


  9. Look, she's had a look at this blog and worked out the food diaries for everyone who posts and it's clear to her that there is a great number of deficiencies in the diets of everyone here.

    For one thing hardly anyone appears to be swallowing enough bullshit and that will really effect your vitamin c levels.

    If you worked in practice you'd know.

  10. Well according to this:

    if you put on a brummy accent when they interview you, you can claim that bint is just an affectionate term for a woman.

    However, I have to agree that calling someone Welsh is very insulting and completely unacceptable. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  11. If you do a search of this blog the only post with the term ‘welsh bint’ was the post quoting the Policeman. If the term is anywhere on this blog it must be in a comment. If the term ‘welsh bint’ has become a police matter, Carbo must be lined up for a life stretch for what he allows on his cesspit. One things for sure, old Carbo will certainly lose weight in chokey.


  12. Yes, calling somebody by the country that they're from is wrong. You should say "what's her name who's from the bit over to the left of England".

  13. Ally's a serial stalker, she's been stalking lowcarbers for the past four years on forums and blogs.

  14. Do you think there is a need for a:

    "Christine Cashin prize for Crassness".

    There could be several criteria - the least supportive poster, etc. However, there may be an ethical dilemma in awarding the prize to its sponsor.

  15. "Do you think she has low serotonin levels?"

    Looking at her rants you could be right there John, this explains the effects of serotonin on carb addicted females!

    "Unfortunately, sugars and simple carbohydrates release a short burst of serotonin — we feel good for a moment, but soon return to our low-serotonin state — then crave more sugar and simple carbohydrates. It’s a downward spiral."


  16. This is from the BDA, so it appears that if Ally is correct that we have low serotonin levels due to lack of potatoes then surely we would all have non diabetic HbA1cs?

    "However, once blood glucose is in the normal range there does not seem to be any improvement in mood or ability to concentrate with further increases in glucose, that is with eating more or different types of carbohydrate.”


  17. I find it odd a policeman would send a message to your mobile, make sure you get his full name, rank, number and were he's stationed, and check the validity before entering any conversation with him.


  18. There are riots up and down the country, people losing their lives, businesses and homes, police drafted in from other areas to deal with all this violence and then......
    here we have an IDIOT of a whimpering, stupid dietitian complaining about a Merry Christmas phonecall, bitter and twisted because, she, with her downright murderous advice to diabetics is being shouted down the moment she says eat carbs, cannot handle the truth. So she goes and wastes police time.
    What was she called a b..t? I can think of some other choice words for that cretin of a dietitian.

  19. LOL, that woman being stalked, dont make me laugh she is neither interesting nor attraktive or intelligent, what would anyone want to stalk her for?
    Correcting the false information that she doles out left back right front and centre is called stalking then is it?
    Dream on Ally5555 Christine Cashin, who would want to go to a lot of effort of stalking you?

  20. From carbophile blog, the candyfloss brained dietitian posted:
    "Hi - thank you very much for all your support and also those who have mailed me.
    We can disagree about diet but personal attacks and phone calls are just not right. If you look at the so called blog there are various other individuals who have been singled out as well. I am not sure why people want to do this - it is not normal behaviour and it seems peculiar to the internet. People do not behave like this in "real " life!

    If I had the great misfortune of meeting youo in person I would tell you what I think of you strsight to the face, no worries there at all. I wouldnt threaten you, I wouldnt touch you, I would just tell you the truth, which is something that you find hard to take, bimbo!
    Stop acting the victim, what about all those poor diabetics out there who follow your stinking advice and are wondering why the hell they cant get non-diabetic bg numbers.....worse still, they are not even aware that its possible to achieve such numbers, they are diabetics after all.

    How about we gather information on all the wrong advice given by this woman, then we ought to sue her. I am serious, lets look into the possiblity, make it into a test case.

  21. Ally has finally arrived at skid row! posting on that blog is not what you would expect from a HCP, she's a disgrace to her profession and ought to be ashamed.

  22. I can't believe Ally would write something that inane. Oh no, hang on - yes I can.

  23. Quote from the dietition! "If you look at the so called blog there are various other individuals who have been singled out as well. I am not sure why people want to do this - it is not normal behaviour and it seems peculiar to the internet. People do not behave like this in "real " life!" Ally needs to look at the so called blog she's posting on, were various individuals are singled out and many of those don't post on blogs unlike her. Check her out on Dr Briffa's blog were she post's under the name of Chris, she calls him that “mad doc briffa”, after reading her posts there's only one unhinged person and it's not Dr Briffa. She even causes trouble on the Dietetics forum under the guise of sportdiet. She has used the terms “demented” “alcoholic” and “dickheads” in her posts on blogs and forums, so if we refer to her as D.A.D she can't really have any complaints now can she. Graham

  24. Does the BDA know all of this?

  25. "Does the BDA know all of this?"

    Apart from Ally probably not, I don't know how her fellow directors at the BDA will react to her involvement in carbo's blog, I should imagine they would be appalled.


  26. In that case its our duty to report this "dietition" for professional misconduct before she can unleash any more damage to the diabetic community.

  27. If you had wanted to make a malicious call you would have withheld your number or used a mobile number that was not registered.
    What a waste of space and police time this is.

  28. Yet another quote from Ally5555

    "Trouble is, it does their cause no good at all.
    It just comes across as a couple of OAP's with dementia and or selective memory problems."

    Right so it's OK then to call her the demented dietition, and as we know she also has used the term dickhead so again she can't object if we used that too!


  29. This just in;

    'Here is an interesting piece of research - have to admit I have not read the actual paper but it does make you think' Ally 5555

    It makes you think that you do yourself no favours in your posts. As a professional dietician why not read the bloody paper before commenting on it?

  30. This is the study Ally mentioned.

    Pathway to diabetes through attenuation of pancreatic beta cell glycosylation and glucose transport

    If fat is a problem then those of us following a high fat low carb diet would surely see a rapid decline in beta cell function, but of course the exact opposite is true with many lowcarbers reducing or coming of medications completely, rather than being detrimental fat in our case is helping preserve beta cells.



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The best of health to you and yours.
