Tuesday, 2 August 2011


"As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities." ~ Voltaire

Ken may have done a Captain Oates, (a win win situation for Ken and the members) but the clique still do their best to control the forum of flog. Sid Bonkers who has posted on this blog stating “I’m a lowcarber too” then posted on the flog recently, a carb intake of 80-130 carbs per day, and the arch groveller Nobhead are at still living in the past.By Nobhead yesterday 5.31pm. yesterday.

“With respect but these threads don't need to be moved to the Weight Loss Section but removed from the forum altogether!
They serve no purpose whatsoever except to the individuals involved, as the biggest UK diabetes forum it turns my blood cold that newbies may consider this a serious option, even worse is that HCP may be viewing the forum and shaking their heads in disbelief that these threads are drawing so much attention.

No disrespect guys but could you continue these diets and discussions via pm to let more serious dietary discussions to flow?

The Bonkers one Today 7.17am.

“I actually believe these threads are dangerous and should be removed for that reason alone, crash diets DO NOT WORK in the long term that has been proven without exception time and time again I did it myself in the 80's with one of these shakes diets, lost loads of weight and put it straight back on plus a bit more because I failed to change my eating and drinking habits afterwards and its lifestyle changes that result in long term weight loss.


Opinions, everyone has one and thats mine and I care not whether you agree with it or not.”

So, the low-fat, low-calorie, low-salt, (carbs depending on the wind direction) clique can have an opinion, but If it does not fit into their idea of sound diabetes control, they want posts deleted. Can someone tell these two, that the days of a mod pandering to their every whim, and jaundiced crack pot philosophising, are over, I hope !



  1. Update :
    Knobhead et al have managed to talk the thread into lockdown by giving Maledict the excuse with the promise that if they "work on" other threads he will close them too!
    I'm p*ssed off enough to go from DUK-wits except they'd still count me as a member anyway.

  2. "even worse is that HCP may be viewing the forum and shaking their heads in disbelief that these threads are drawing so much attention."

    I shake my head in disbelief too at the amount of newly diagnosed being told to base their diet around starchy carbs and low fat by their HCPs, a diet that does nothing to help maintain good glucose control.


  3. OMG have you seen the response by Sanober to low carb Asian food?
    I despair


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The best of health to you and yours.
