Tuesday 2 August 2011

My Diet Of Death ! Err not. Perfect for all, diabetic and non diabetic !

Tonight's grub ! Bacon Lardons, mixed leaf lettuce, tomatoes, celery, beetroot. mushrooms, olive oil and seasoning. Followed by black berries, blue berries, kiwi fruit and double cream. Very lowcarb and delicious. Full details to follow, as I am off to the pub. Get your kids eating this sort of food and they will not become obese, they will not become a type two diabetic, and they will get all the nutrients and calories they need for a healthy life !



  1. What no spuds!!! Ally says we need them for Vitamin C and Folic Acid, after all she is a dietion so she must be right yes?


  2. Hi Mate.

    The average dietition would not know a good diet from a box of spanners. The NHS cut backs should see most of them off !


  3. This looks great. How many carbs ?

  4. Two fantastic looking plates of good wholesome, healthy food.
    Hope you enjoyed your trip to the pub.......


  5. Oh dear - you need a professional to take those photos - what the hell is that in the middle of the plate ? Showed picture to kids - yuk was the word.

  6. Get a Pro in to photograph some food ! You must be joking, do you realise how much they earn these days ? The food in the middle is bacon lardons. The round red things are tomatoes by the way and the green stuff is lettuce. Get your kids off the junk and take aways and give them a chance to stay healthy !



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